Put the old Whaler in the water around 9:00 pm, went directly to the lights on the south side of Prien past the Country Club. Fished for about an hour watching bait fish blow up all around us...no luck. Moved over to the east side to some other lights and it was on! Caught fish from 10pm-1am...had to get some rest before work. Threw back around 20 specks & sandies, kept 11 specks from 16"-22", 4 reds, and 1 flounder...caught on gold spoon, glow DOA shrimp, and a gulp swimming mullet (chart). BTW, I hooked the largest speck I have
never caught since fishing...my buddy went to land it with the net and the mesh caught the spoon and pulled right out
...it was easily 2 feet long. Anyway, a good night nonetheless! Pics show only what I kept.