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Old 06-14-2012, 11:30 AM
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Default Cameron Shoreline Project this weekend....volunteers needed

Just found out about this and wanted to pass along. Also know they need volunteers with 4-wheelers to make the job easier.

Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana

Sand Fence Installation at Cameron Shoreline
Volunteer Details
Volunteers will be helping to restore dune habitat on the Cameron Shoreline by installing 9,000 feet of sand fence.

Please read the following information carefully to prepare for a great day of volunteering on the beach at the
Cameron Shoreline.


Thursday June 14, Friday June 15, and Saturday June 16
From 9:00 a.m. to no later than 4:00 p.m.
*** If you are unsure of what day(s) you are registered for, email and the information will be provided.


Long Beach Road, Cameron, LA (see below for detailed directions).

Long Beach Rd., Cameron, LA 70631” into to determine location, direction and how long it will take you to reach the site.
Detailed directions are listed below, but it is highly recommendedthat you consult a map prior to taking off for the site.
Look for “CRCL VOLUNTEERS” signs once you turn onto Hwy 82 to help direct you to the site.

Volunteers will meet at the end of Long Beach Rd. and then walk 0.5 to 1.5 miles along the beach to the sand fence site.

What to bring:

Comfortable clothes that can get dirty.

Close-toed shoes are recommended.
This project is a strenuous activity and physical fitness is required.
CRCL will provide all project equipment (gloves, hammers, etc.) as well as sunscreen and bug spray.

CRCL will also provide refreshments, drinks and lunch (with vegetarian options).
[We understand that plans change. If you find you will not be able to attend the planting event, please email us at

. There are a limited number of slots available for this event and we are currently at capacity.
If you are unable to attend, we can remove you from the registration list to make room for another potential
We will be monitoring the National Weather Service prior to the event to ensure that the weather is safe for the
planting event. Please monitor your email on the evening prior to the event for any changes in schedule or
cancelations due to weather.
This project is being completed through a partnership with Cheniere Energy, NOAA, Restore America’s Estuaries,

Disney “Friends for Change” program, State Farm Insurance, and Lonnie G. Harper & Associates.
We are looking forward to your participation and a great event!

Directions to Long Beach Road
Directions from I-10 to the Planting Site

Take Exit 20 toward LA-27 S/Sulphur/Cameron

From this point, it will be a 45 minute drive to the site.

Head South onto Ruth St/LA27 S/LA-108 35.5 miles

Hwy 27 end in a “T” at Hwy 82 (Holly Beach)

Turn Right onto LA-82 W/Gulf Beach Hwy 10.2 miles

Turn Left onto Long Beach Rd.
o Look for the “CRCL” Equipment trailer parked at the end of the road.

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