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Old 10-06-2011, 08:56 PM
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Default Calcasieu Lake Oyster Harvester Permit

011 Lake Calcasieu Oyster Permit – STATUS
  • LDWF is currently reviewing and processing all applications
  • Once LDWF is able to determine the status of applications, applicants will be notified by mail and by e-mail (for those who chose to share their email address)
  • Currently there is no timeline for notification
  • If you received a confirmation number identical to that of another applicant, that is NOT a problem. The confirmation number is your receipt that your application has been received and saved in our system.
  • LDWF is committed to processing applications as expediently as possible

1. Pursuant to Act 329 of 2011 and Rules promulgated by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, beginning July 1, 2011 and extending through June 30, 2014, the commercial harvesting of oysters in Calcasieu Lake is prohibited without a current and valid Calcasieu Lake Oyster Harvester Permit (Permit) issued by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (Department).
2. The Permit shall be valid for a period beginning on October 1 of a given year and ending on September 30 of the following year.
3. The Permit may be applied for and will be issued free of charge to qualified applicants.
4. No more than one hundred twenty-six (126) Permits will be issued and effective annually. These Permits will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis each year. Holding a Permit from the previous year does not affect the applicant’s chances of receiving one the following year.
5. In the event that a Permit is vacated, that Permit may be re-issued to the next eligible applicant.
6. Of the one hundred twenty-six (126) available Permits, sixty-three (63) shall be issued to persons who, according to Departmental trip-ticket landings data, have commercially harvested oysters from Lake Calcasieu during open season at any time since January 1, 2001. The remaining sixty-three (63) Permits shall be issued to any person who holds a current and valid commercial fisherman and oyster harvester license.
7. This Permit is only applicable for commercial harvest of oysters in Calcasieu Lake.
8. This Permit is in addition to, not a replacement for, all other licenses or permits necessary for the commercial harvest of oysters.
9. This Permit is subject to the harvest limits established by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission. The Commission shall set the harvest limit so that each Permittee may harvest an amount not to exceed twenty-five (25) sacks of oysters per day from one, and only one licensed vessel. In addition, one and only one Permittee may harvest from each licensed vessel per day and no vessel shall be used for more than one trip per day.
10. The Permit does not grant any rights to the oyster resource or any rights to harvest oysters from the waters of the state and shall not be sold, exchanged or otherwise transferred.

1. Applicants must complete an online application form and submit the completed form to the Department no earlier than 9:00 A.M. CDT on the last Monday of September each year (SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 for the current year).
2. The Department may stop accepting applications once it is determined that a sufficient number of qualified applicants have applied to fill all of the available Permits.
3. Online submission of the Permit application is the ONLY acceptable method to apply and ONLY applicants who submit a completed application in that manner shall be processed.
4. Completed Permit APPLICATIONS WILL BE PROCESSED ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS determined by the order in which the completed Permit application is received by the Department.
5. An Indication if the applicant has harvested oysters commercially in Calcasieu Lake since January 1, 2001.
6. The following information is REQUIRED to apply for for the permit:
• Name (First and Last)
• Physical Address
• Mailing Address
• Phone Number
• Commercial Fisherman License Number
• Oyster Harvester License Number
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