Here we go again.....Black Panther Sighting
KLFY has posted on their facebook page about an UNCONFIRMED Black Panther sighting in Acadia Parish. Pictures to go with story. Now being that I have 2 degrees in wildlife, and work as a scientist, I am not one to buy into these stories. Is it possible that bigfoot and black panthers exist? Sure. Is it likely, considering there has never been 100% fool-proof evidence of one? No.
That being said, the pictures, while from a good distance away, look like a large black cat. It may be real. They even found large tracks to go with it. Be interesting to see where this goes.
Only thing I find to be truly ridiculous about the whole thing is that the women said she was only 100 feet away from the cat when she took the pictures. If that is true, then either that is a black house cat and not a black panther, or lady is terrible at accurately measuring distances.