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Old 05-04-2012, 05:13 PM
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Default CCA Reef Protection

1st off I'm a member and support the CCA

How long will it take for the CCA to start fully protecting all our artificial reefs ?? That means you can not harm them or remove any thing that grows or forms on the artificial reefs

Why keep waiting money to improve our fishery if we don't have 100% control

This is for civil discussion not the Gill net....if you don't like the topic move on and don't read

Last edited by "W"; 05-04-2012 at 05:23 PM.
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Old 05-04-2012, 05:17 PM
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I agree stop making new reefs if they are gonna get destroyed..
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Old 05-04-2012, 05:19 PM
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My question is: lets say a reef is built in the oyster farmin area. Would oyster farmers tear up a reef made outta concrete??? Is that possible? I dont know how they collect oysters. Thats why im askin
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Old 05-04-2012, 05:21 PM
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The oysters will start growing on the concrete then they will come and harvest them..
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Old 05-04-2012, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by speckdaddy View Post
My question is: lets say a reef is built in the oyster farmin area. Would oyster farmers tear up a reef made outta concrete??? Is that possible? I dont know how they collect oysters. Thats why im askin
They will not move the base but what attracts fish ,crabs and bait is what grows on that material
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Old 05-04-2012, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
They will not move the base but what attracts fish ,crabs and bait is what grows on that material
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Old 05-04-2012, 05:27 PM
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Damn I got a reply back from David C with the CCA and he said he would send me a itemized bill on the funding of this reef..

(when he gets to his office )
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Old 05-04-2012, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
Damn I got a reply back from David C with the CCA and he said he would send me a itemized bill on the funding of this reef..

(when he gets to his office )
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Old 05-04-2012, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by speckdaddy View Post
My question is: lets say a reef is built in the oyster farmin area. Would oyster farmers tear up a reef made outta concrete??? Is that possible? I dont know how they collect oysters. Thats why im askin
Originally Posted by speckdaddy View Post
I can provide you an itemized bill. I am not at my computer now, but am glad to send you a list of our budgeted expenses.

Thank you.

David Cresson
CEO, CCA Louisiana
(225) 588-4823
Sent from my iPhone
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Old 05-04-2012, 06:04 PM
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The Cca is a non profit organization that is subject to audit by an independent CPA firm. As an owner of a CPA firm and an auditor I can promise you that they have controls in place and that good ole boy system that you think is in place is in fact non existent.

Is the organization perfect? No but at least we have organizations that provide us as fishermen with a voice.

I also want to make it clear that Salty Cajun as an organizations supports the Cca and their mission. I am all for an informative thread on how the organization can possibly be improved but keep in mind these are the views of only a select few people and the overwhelming majority of our members support the Cca. Please keep the thread constructive and professional.

I enjoyed visiting with the lake charles chapter board members at the banquet last night they should be commended on a great turnout.
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Old 05-04-2012, 06:15 PM
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Let me make this Clear...I support the CCA

But why do you keep placing reefs when you can't protect them

So why should we spend 450,000 on a reef and in 5 years the fire line can move on to it...then you have a parking lot again.....

My fight is stop placing reefs with our money if you can not protect them from being destroyed

Take Basket Reef.... This was never in the fire line.... But what happened ???? Line was moved for 2 weeks and the destroyed that reef .....there is still very little left from what's was there

Yank John same thing...

So if you spend money protect it
..All our artificial reefs need to be protected

And as far as Non profit organization that's paper work....when you are on the board and pay your cousin for pictures......That's conflict of interest
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Old 05-05-2012, 01:06 AM
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I feel the CCA is the best thing we have going to protect our fisheries. If you don't like the job they are doing, or think you could do better, then PLEASE feel free to start a new organization and run it the way YOU feel it should be run. I personally don't have the time or inclination or interest, so I've decided to work with what is available. I am an active member of the CCA and volunteer my time when I can. I've learned a lot more about the organization by working in it than I ever knew by just paying my dues and fishing STAR. Do I like everything they do? No, but I feel I can more effectively change the things I don't like about the CCA by working with them rather than talking about them on internet forums. If you spend any time working in the CCA as I'm sure Raymond will confirm, it is a huge organization run by good people. Some of which have ego's as large as yours who also think they know exactly what should be done by the organization. Running a non-profit can often be much more difficult than running a for profit business due to government regulation and funding. I know because my wife works at one. There is always a lot more going on than you see. Influencing the Government and its policy is a huge undertaking and responsibility. The CCA works to help the entire Gulf Coast not just Big Lake. They have to look at the big picture and what is best for all their members.

I can't speak on the oyster issue on Big Lake because I don't fish there and have no real knowledge. I have spoken to friends who do fish there and they tell me it is a big problem. Why don't the local politicians, the ones who you and the citizens of your area vote in. Not do anything to change the policy? Surely there are more local recreational fishermen around than commercial oyster fishermen. Perhaps you guy's need to form an organisation to push your own agenda to the state. Maybe ckinchen can get on board with the strength of this site. Post up the phone numbers and emails of the politicians from that area. Find out who is pushing the oyster fishing in BL and target them. They have a weakness find it and exploit it. What do the trained biologists say? Organization is the key. Otherwise all ya’ll are is nothing but a mad mob with no direction. The CCA started from a bunch of people mad about Gill Nets. Look where they are now. A little organization goes a long way.
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Old 05-05-2012, 01:58 AM
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^^^There you have it.^^^

Very, very well said
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Old 05-05-2012, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by I make oil View Post
I feel the CCA is the best thing we have going to protect our fisheries. If you don't like the job they are doing, or think you could do better, then PLEASE feel free to start a new organization and run it the way YOU feel it should be run. I personally don't have the time or inclination or interest, so I've decided to work with what is available. I am an active member of the CCA and volunteer my time when I can. I've learned a lot more about the organization by working in it than I ever knew by just paying my dues and fishing STAR. Do I like everything they do? No, but I feel I can more effectively change the things I don't like about the CCA by working with them rather than talking about them on internet forums. If you spend any time working in the CCA as I'm sure Raymond will confirm, it is a huge organization run by good people. Some of which have ego's as large as yours who also think they know exactly what should be done by the organization. Running a non-profit can often be much more difficult than running a for profit business due to government regulation and funding. I know because my wife works at one. There is always a lot more going on than you see. Influencing the Government and its policy is a huge undertaking and responsibility. The CCA works to help the entire Gulf Coast not just Big Lake. They have to look at the big picture and what is best for all their members.

I can't speak on the oyster issue on Big Lake because I don't fish there and have no real knowledge. I have spoken to friends who do fish there and they tell me it is a big problem. Why don't the local politicians, the ones who you and the citizens of your area vote in. Not do anything to change the policy? Surely there are more local recreational fishermen around than commercial oyster fishermen. Perhaps you guy's need to form an organisation to push your own agenda to the state. Maybe ckinchen can get on board with the strength of this site. Post up the phone numbers and emails of the politicians from that area. Find out who is pushing the oyster fishing in BL and target them. They have a weakness find it and exploit it. What do the trained biologists say? Organization is the key. Otherwise all ya’ll are is nothing but a mad mob with no direction. The CCA started from a bunch of people mad about Gill Nets. Look where they are now. A little organization goes a long way.
Your 100% right the CCA is all we have
And I have been a member for years and will continue to be s member

Like I said...our focus should not be a 450,000 reef when we have oyster boats destoying our lake at will

If were going to just put artificial reefs in the lake.. That is great but let's protect them

CCA or Me or anyone knows where oystering lines will be moved next. They said they would never touch the east side ....well they killed it
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Old 05-05-2012, 09:31 AM
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W who is this they? How do they have this authority? Who gives it to them? Who want's things to change? What good are we doing by complaining about these problems. GET ORGANIZED! Seriously, you know lots and lots of people who fish that area. You have their respect. USE IT! Obviously recreational fishermen are unhappy. I am more than willing to assist in ANY manner that I can and so are many others not from that area. Find a focal point(why not you?). Get others together and decide what the common consensus is about the issue. Spread the word and get community support. Then get some sound scientific data to back up your claims and create a Non Profit with a name. Save Big Lake or something like that and let the politicians or who ever it is allowing this to happen that your PISSED and are not going to stand for it! Seriously W use your network and get something done. Find who is pushing the Oystering agenda and SHUT THEM DOWN! It's not just about you it's your kids and their kids. We must protect our resources. That's why I'm in CCA.

I know its easy to say but the people who use Big Lake need to raise their voice or risk loosing it all. Like I tell my kids. If you don't make a decission or stand up for what you want for yourself. Then life will make a decission or choice for you. And I can assure you it won't be one that you like. If your wrong at least you are wrong because of a choice you made. Not doing something is a choice too.
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Old 05-05-2012, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by I make oil View Post
W who is this they? How do they have this authority? Who gives it to them? Who want's things to change? What good are we doing by complaining about these problems. GET ORGANIZED! Seriously, you know lots and lots of people who fish that area. You have their respect. USE IT! Obviously recreational fishermen are unhappy. I am more than willing to assist in ANY manner that I can and so are many others not from that area. Find a focal point(why not you?). Get others together and decide what the common consensus is about the issue. Spread the word and get community support. Then get some sound scientific data to back up your claims and create a Non Profit with a name. Save Big Lake or something like that and let the politicians or who ever it is allowing this to happen that your PISSED and are not going to stand for it! Seriously W use your network and get something done. Find who is pushing the Oystering agenda and SHUT THEM DOWN! It's not just about you it's your kids and their kids. We must protect our resources. That's why I'm in CCA.

I know its easy to say but the people who use Big Lake need to raise their voice or risk loosing it all. Like I tell my kids. If you don't make a decission or stand up for what you want for yourself. Then life will make a decission or choice for you. And I can assure you it won't be one that you like. If your wrong at least you are wrong because of a choice you made. Not doing something is a choice too.

^^^This is why I pay the CCA every year

Im just waiting on that email from David C with the Itemized cost of this half million dollar reef
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Old 05-05-2012, 10:53 AM
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Well good luck with that.
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Old 05-05-2012, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by I make oil View Post
Well good luck with that.

I do fully understand where you are coming from and your right........But like your said , its easier said than done!

Ones that make these laws spend 0 days on the water and know 0 about what is underneath the water

Thank God we got a ton of rain this year and its keep the Oyster boats from harvesting ........Maybe this is a way God heals her self
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Old 05-05-2012, 01:07 PM
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W, you have a very good point here. I find it totally asinine to destroy an artificial reef, EI 71 for example, that has produced in excess of a 100,000 trout. How long would it take to make a reef that can produce those kind of numbers. The State and Feds need to get their ****e together and come up with a viable plan to keep these obsolete rigs from being pulled and brought to Alabama and Florida. Guys, we have to make some noise...
I'm stunned that they removing so many of our long time trout producing rigs with no one screaming.
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Old 05-05-2012, 01:13 PM
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You did read Speckdaddys post right? Just like I figured, CCA is not funding this whole thing, the money is not all from CCA it is from endowments , grants, and other revenue sources. I work for a non-profit organization and I PROMISE you when I say that there is tons of paperwork to fill out to make sure that donors or family members do NOT get special attention and special kickbacks, it is just the opposite. All avenues have to be exhausted in order for a major donor or family member to do the work. CCA likely either proposed the establishment of a new reef or were approached to the do the work because who else would tackle something like this? The Big Lake fishermen association, Friends of 'W', or Speckled Trout Unlimited?

I think this is a great thing, I mean where would you rather this concrete go? In a slatwater environment that has the potential to grow oysters and other invertebrates, or piled up in the middle of a parking lot? I understand that the other reefs may not be perfect, but they are a start, and if you want to volunteer your time to help start a petition to save these reefs that probably would not be a bad thing
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