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Old 06-03-2014, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
A few points:

The bill does not dedicate the funds to research, but rather to "research and conservation." Thus it could be spent on anything that could be construed as "conservation" including enforcement efforts, saltwater barriers, construction of levees and weirs, freshwater diversion to rebuild marsh, etc.

The bill includes the 136% increase for resident licenses, but no increase for non-resident licenses. This is too bad. It would be nice to see a proportionately similar increase in non-resident license fees. Why should residents bear a 136% increase while non-residents keep paying the same amount?

I expect the bill will pass, since it both has CCA support and folks in Baton Rouge sort of feel guilty about raiding the artificial reef fund.
IMA keep my F'N mouth shut.....Once again the MILLIONAIRES win..................
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Old 07-10-2014, 01:01 PM
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Some interesting points I found on H.B. 1082:

Here are a few highlights of the House Bill 1082:
  • The bill would create a special account within the conservation fund. $7.50 of each standard saltwater license sold would go into this account, called the Saltwater Fish Research and Conservation Fund.
  • Those dollars would be used specifically for enhanced data collection and to implement an enhanced science based management program.
  • The new program will be similar to the one implemented by the State for red snapper in 2013, but would include all inshore recreational species and many offshore species.
  • The program will use at the dock surveys across the coast and throughout the year, performed by LDWF biologists, to gather data on anglers and their catch. Follow-up surveys will be administered using email and phone calls.
  • This new program will allow fisheries managers to gather basin specific information, and could allow for regulations that respond to the needs of each region or basin, rather than only statewide regulations that may or may not be appropriate for certain areas.
  • The dollars in the fund will be constitutionally protected from being swept. CCA and the team at LDWF agrees that this fund is as "water tight" as a fund can get.
  • The increase would not apply to senior, lifetime or out of state licenses.
  • The bill will have a sunset provision which means it will have to be reauthorized in 4 years.
  • At $5.50, Louisiana has the lowest saltwater fee in the Gulf...and the 2nd lowest in the United States. (AL- $22.50, FL-$17.50, MS-$10, TX- $35...national average- $14.72)
I think this bill is going to the House for vote soon right?
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Old 07-10-2014, 01:03 PM
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Already passed and I believe signed by the Governor
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Old 07-10-2014, 01:14 PM
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Old 07-10-2014, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by jchief View Post
Already passed and I believe signed by the Governor
Did this really pass? Had a peek online last night, and the SW license fee had not gone up?

How could it have passed and been signed and effective June 1, 2014 if the SW license fee has not gone up?

Anyone paid the higher fee yet?
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Old 07-10-2014, 01:35 PM
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Just bought my license this weekend, and it had not been increased. Don't think it goes into affect until 2015.
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Old 07-10-2014, 01:36 PM
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When I renewed it was still $5.50
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Old 07-10-2014, 02:35 PM
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If I remember correctly, they didn't get it in effect for this licenses, but it will go into effect next year.

Date Chamber Page Action sort history by ascending dates
06/19 H Effective date: June 1, 2014.
06/19 H Signed by the Governor. Becomes Act No. 804.
06/02 H Sent to the Governor for executive approval.
06/01 S 91 Signed by the President of the Senate.
05/30 H 112 Enrolled and signed by the Speaker of the House.
05/29 H 79 Received from the Senate without amendments.
05/29 S 50 Read by title, passed by a vote of 36 yeas and 1 nays, and ordered returned to the House. Motion to reconsider tabled.
05/27 S 5 Reported without Legislative Bureau amendments. Read by title and passed to third reading and final passage.
05/26 S 33 Reported favorably. Rules suspended. Read by title and referred to the Legislative Bureau.
05/20 S 23 Read by title. Recommitted to the Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs.
05/19 S 15 Reported favorably.
05/01 S 8 Read second time by title and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources.
04/30 S 8 Received in the Senate. Read first time by title and placed on the Calendar for a second reading.
04/29 H 49 Read third time by title, amended, roll called on final passage, yeas 76, nays 15. The bill, having received two-thirds vote of the elected members, was finally passed, title adopted, ordered to the Senate.
04/24 H Scheduled for floor debate on 04/29/2014.
04/24 H 14 Read by title, amended, ordered engrossed, passed to 3rd reading.
04/23 H 44 Reported with amendments (14-0).
04/01 H 7 Read by title, under the rules, referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environment.
03/31 H 3 Read by title.
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Old 07-10-2014, 02:40 PM
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Originally Posted by jchief View Post
If I remember correctly, they didn't get it in effect for this licenses, but it will go into effect next year.

Date Chamber Page Action sort history by ascending dates
06/19 H Effective date: June 1, 2014.
06/19 H Signed by the Governor. Becomes Act No. 804.
06/02 H Sent to the Governor for executive approval.
06/01 S 91 Signed by the President of the Senate.
05/30 H 112 Enrolled and signed by the Speaker of the House.
05/29 H 79 Received from the Senate without amendments.
05/29 S 50 Read by title, passed by a vote of 36 yeas and 1 nays, and ordered returned to the House. Motion to reconsider tabled.
05/27 S 5 Reported without Legislative Bureau amendments. Read by title and passed to third reading and final passage.
05/26 S 33 Reported favorably. Rules suspended. Read by title and referred to the Legislative Bureau.
05/20 S 23 Read by title. Recommitted to the Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs.
05/19 S 15 Reported favorably.
05/01 S 8 Read second time by title and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources.
04/30 S 8 Received in the Senate. Read first time by title and placed on the Calendar for a second reading.
04/29 H 49 Read third time by title, amended, roll called on final passage, yeas 76, nays 15. The bill, having received two-thirds vote of the elected members, was finally passed, title adopted, ordered to the Senate.
04/24 H Scheduled for floor debate on 04/29/2014.
04/24 H 14 Read by title, amended, ordered engrossed, passed to 3rd reading.
04/23 H 44 Reported with amendments (14-0).
04/01 H 7 Read by title, under the rules, referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environment.
03/31 H 3 Read by title.
Thanks for clarifying. I hope the money is used to improve the science and not redirected.
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Old 03-23-2015, 08:11 AM
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Got a lifetime hunting and fishing combo 6yrs ago. Best investment a person can make living down here. $25 every yr for me to do my activities. More than paid for by now. About to send mine in for my daughter. She is only 5 months old. Get it for them while it's cheap. Heck even my wife has one. It's the bomb.
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Old 03-25-2015, 11:35 AM
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How sad....I didn't realize he was sick!

Sorry, could not resist
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