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Old 05-22-2017, 04:10 PM
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Default Rain/storm effects on bass fishing?

Been fishing on a private bass lake lately in North La and it's been excellent into the recent storms and cool front. How does a cool front this time of year affect the fishing/fish behavior, and how does the rain affect them?
Many thanks.
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Old 05-22-2017, 04:25 PM
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Cappy Cappy is offline
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I aint no geeky expert fisherman but a 4 th generation that I knew, country boy. when a front passes fish go"0h snap te weather is getting bad we better stock up incase its muddy and crappy afterwards.

Das why they always bite better as a front approaches they are stocking up.

After the front they kinda laze around digesting. Takes time to disolve small fish bones and crawfish shells.

Now they are "opertunists" and if ya bump them in the nose with a bait tehy will take it even though they aint hungry.

After a front ya can catch em but they not nearly as agressive so ya aint gona load da boat.

Das ole country boy logic based on years of experience and no scientific geeky like studies.
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