Cenla Fly Fishing & Light Tackle Festival
Saturday, January 20, 2018
9:00am - 3:30pm
Kees Park Civic Center, Pineville, LA
FREE admission!
Hosted by the Kisatchie Fly Fishers, this biennial festival is a celebration of fly fishing and light tackle fishing. Whether beginner or expert, there's something for everyone! Activities include seminars, demonstrations by 20 of the state's most talented fly tiers and lure makers, fly casting clinics, beginner's seminar and instruction, exhibitors, and more.
Presentations by expert speakers include topics as: fly fishing basics, crappie fishing, bass fishing backwaters of Toledo Bend, kayak fishing basics for fresh and saltwater, improving fly casting for distance and accuracy, and fishing for the exotic Rio Grande cichlid right here in Louisiana!
Fly tying begins at 9:00am and continues through the day. Many of the region's top fly tiers will be on hand tying flies for bream, bass, trout, and redfish.
Need to improve your fly casting skills? One of the region's top fly casting instructors will be on hand with instruction and casting coaching.
Lunch and soft drinks will be available for a nominal cost. Bottled water will be available free during the day, provided by KFF.
There's also a raffle and Gamblers Draw. Items include tackle, flies, lures, accessories, homemade goods, and many other items. Net proceeds to benefit The Food Bank of Central Louisiana and the KFF Conservation Project Fund.
For more details, go to the Kisatchie Fly Fishers website at
www.kisatchiefly.org and click on "2018 Cenla Fly Fest".