View Full Version : March Square Foot Garden and Yard Report

03-10-2014, 03:26 PM
Case yall don't know February's report is what got this topic started. This morning we walked around taking pictures and wrote a report on the yard and garden boxes on our blog:

Before yall jump on me for planting early trust me I know. It was cause I was home and figured worse thing could happen is replanting later. Guess das what I am gonna hafta do with the cucumbers, but whas life with out a lil risk.

swamp snorkler
03-10-2014, 03:52 PM
I sure wish I could read your blog here at work.

If ya feel a freeze coming get some 6-10 can's and cover the plants. As long as the frost doesnt get on them they should be okay.

03-10-2014, 04:11 PM
great post!

And spot on with the grapefruit!

03-10-2014, 04:20 PM
Thanks guys. I have old composting hey on the main garden box. When the frost came alls I did was pull it over the beans and uncover them the next day. I wish I hadna been drinking cause I forgot to cover the cucs the were right against the wood on the 4 ft ends. Gona replant them this afternoon, hope fully they will make it this time once burnt ya know the sayin" thankfully it only takes a pinch of seeds and they cheap.

03-12-2014, 05:08 PM
You may have noticed from my update that the only bed with no kitty proof chicken wire was the asparagus patch, well today it got fenced in. With the other boxes fenced the kitties concentrated on the asparagus and broke a couple as they started to come up.
We currently have several shooting up so we picked a big one sliced it thinly and added it to a bowl of our salad greens.