Thread: Prayers needed.
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Old 11-30-2010, 10:20 PM
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southern151 southern151 is offline
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Thanks to all of you. He goes in for a scope in the morning and we'll know exactly what the plan of attack will be then. He is in great spirits and has "I'm gonna beat this" attitude! I feel a lot better about the situation now than I did this morning. My mind is still way off but, I'm feeling better about an outcome.

Gotta chuckle bout him really. I went to see him tonight when I finally got out of the shop and he was asking about this job and that one. I went rambling on about where everything was at and asked what I needed to do tomorrow when he went in for his scope. His reply was pretty simple really..."Go to work!"

He's as strong as an ox, stubborn as a mule and as down to the fact as a drill sargeant!

Thanks to all of you! Thanks for the calls and the offers of help, advice, support and mostly, the prayers! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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