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Old 07-07-2009, 10:03 PM
Slidellkid Slidellkid is offline
Red Snapper
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Kinder, LA
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It's good to know that there are still respectable young folks out there. I'm proud of you! MJ may have been found not guilty in a criminal trial, but that certainly does not mean he didn't molest children. Heck, look at O.J. Simpson, sometimes things in trial don't turn out like they are supposed to - especially when there is fame and money involved. If I recall correctly, MJ was also sued in civil court for monetary damages and settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. Four young men died in Iraq last week and seven Marines have died in Afghanistan this week. Does anybody know their names? A soldier was captured by the Taliban last week in Afghanistan, and is still under their control if even still alive, but nobody knows his name either. I served in Iraq for a year and it sucks to have people you don't even know shoot rockets and mortars at you on a daily basis. I am not sure where this country is headed when the selfless service of others who have given there all is not even recognized in the news, but the death of pop singer who basically killed himself with an overdose of sedatives is memorialized for weeks.
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