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Old 05-17-2011, 11:07 AM
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Finfeatherfur Finfeatherfur is offline
King Mackeral
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Crowley, LA
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Dude, sell your boat and get a charter w/ Capt. Moran - guarantee you will come out ahead!

Yes, anything will catch them, I catch them along grass lines and debris all the time. In Florida, we actually used the radar to find them, since the birds were over the trash/fish. Once you learn what to look for on the radar screen, it's on like donky kong!

We also tore up blackfin pulling plain skirts, they would not touch a "hoo" that day. Some days they want dead bait pitched to them on a spinning rod, other days you need to be pulling Islanders at 6knts! You just got to try em'.
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