Thread: Is this you???
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Old 06-13-2011, 12:07 PM
Entering A World of Pain
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Originally Posted by 2ndamendment View Post
Bingo Eman..........drifts are at times hard to read. Most people may see the trolling motor down and surmise the boat is fishing a general area. And yes, there are all sorts of individually experienced situations. Just how big is that area? If a boat is two hundred yards off the bank, with the trolling motor down and drifting, which way is the boat intending to go? And how much area does a passing boat need to yield for a drift? The issue of passing boats disturbing a drift will not be resolved anytime soon or never. The individual's required allotment for drift space/distance/tolerance varies. The fact is their are those who do and those who don't have a fore thought process, as to how their actions will affect others.
What he said!
The cops are the experts on the current criminal trends. If they have determined that a “high capacity” semiautomatic pistol and a .223 semiautomatic rifle with 30-round magazines are the best firearms for them to use to protect people like me and my family, they are obviously the best things for us to use to protect ourselves and our families .
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