Thread: Fishing Bow!!
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Old 07-16-2011, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Keith_Stone View Post
I hate to break this to you but a crossbow is close to 100 fps than a compound. The Matthews Monster is the fastest Bow I have ever shot with a 400 grain arrow and it tops out at about 370 with a 76 lb. draw weight. I am a firm believer also that if you are in good shape and can use a compund you should. the problem with crossbows is that to many archers treat them like a gun and do not practice nearly as much as they should. I shoot year round with my bow just to stay dialed in. Hunters bringing cross bows into the woods are shooting alot of the deer and are not hitting them in the sweet spot and they run off for long distances before dying and thus they are unable to retrieve the deer and the meat is wasted.
That being said crossbows are faster, can be more accurate if practiced with more, there major downfall is they are a hell of a lot louder than compund bows.
how about your compound VS a DREW BREES????lol

ps we getting our 2nd ring this year ....CHEAAAHHHH BOYYYYYYYY
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