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Old 07-28-2011, 09:52 AM
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Originally Posted by LaAngler View Post
What if I don't want a complete stranger rifling through my vehicle? They may also scatter or lose my belongings, not to mention the fact that they can even go to pulling dash/door panels, ceiling liner, fuel tank, and so on. If it’s an aircraft they can completely disassemble it and choose not to reassemble. What if it’s a crooked cop with a reason to plant false evidence? There are plenty of reasons to refuse a search, even with nothing to hide.
Grasping at straws!!!!! If I smelled Maryjane, and they refused a search, I got the dog out. If the dog alerted, I searched until I found it - plain and simple! It may have only been a roach in the ashtray, or a couple of pieces that fell on the floor while he rolled his last joint from a nickle bag. If that was the case, that car got taken apart! Dashboard, headliner, door panels, hell- I even got a socket set out and took out the seats of a Camaro once over some "residue"!!! When I was finished, I laughed, wrote him a simple possesion ticket and left him on the side of the road. I told him next time he refused a search, over a simple possesion charge he may want to rethink his "jailhouse lawyer" thinking! If he would have come clean and said "hey, I got a doobie in my cigarettes, he had a ticket and was on his way. I worked interstate patrol and was looking for large amounts of drugs, cash, stolen cars and fugitives. If he wanted to waste my time over something as small as that, I was going to waste his. If I would not have wrote him the ticket, I could have been charged with damages to his vehicle. Since I found the residue, tested positive for THC, and it was filmed - he got to drive off and go fix his car, then come to court and see the judge.

Guys, you will not win when you go to battle w/ the law. No matter how you slice it, you will lose! Get that in your head. Even if you are clean, and refuse a search, you can be on the side of the road for a very long time. I had the right to let the driver leave the scene, but that vehicle has no rights and was staying right there! Do you know how long it takes to get a search warrant on a weekend, and at night! Those judges are hard to track down sometimes, and they will issue a search warrant - EVERYTIME! But, we have to find them. If the judge is at his camp, or out to supper with his wife, or visiting his grandkids, your vehicle is stuck on the side of the road until it is done. I use to always get the runaround from people just like you guys here saying, "I don't have anything, but your not searching". Well, you may be right about not having anything, but if my dog told me it was there, than that car was staying right there until I let you go or made an arrest. Call me a douche, call me a Ahole, but at the end of the day it was my job that supported my family and I was paid to find dope.

Hah! Just remembered a guy that was DWI and I was being called to assist Jeff Davis with a search when they need a dog on I-10. I opened the guys trunk, threw his keys in, and closed it. Figured by the time he got them out he would be sober! They have ways of getting justice without the court, and sometimes it's a lot better than the court justice anyway!

Have a nice day and remember to support your local law enforcement!
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