Thread: Duck Guides
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Old 09-16-2011, 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Ducedux View Post
I think most sports have a tip amount set before you leave the the landing. We all hope it's a goggle eye but sometimes it ends up being a handshake, just way people are. If the guide and the sport "click" sometimes it is more and if they don't it is usually less. I have hunted with actors, athletes, musicians, politicians, sports writers, head of industry and uber successful lawyers and it is still the same. Some people are generous some are not. Wealth has little to do with it.
You got that rite . The camp I work for is ran by multi millionaires and we had to set a $20 min tip so we dont get stiffed . Some still act like its gonna put them in bankruptcy to do that.
A guides job looks good on tv ,but there is lots of work and long hours behind the scenes to make it all happen.
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