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Old 08-22-2009, 12:46 PM
Country Country is offline
Sand Trout
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Originally Posted by eman View Post

The last year i was a member of CCA ,I did bring it up at meetings 3 different times and 2 times the subject was changed w/o me getting an answer and the third time i was just ignored.
CCA ,WILL NOT answer any questions about why they won't get involved here in Louisiana.
I got the info that other states had joined the fight and won straight from the Other chapters info pages in the tide magazine.
CCA is all about the $$$ , They are not going to fight the major landowners in the marsh. When these same landowners contribute big $$$ to CCA and allow the big shots to fish the gated/posted areas any time they want.

Eman, You are dead on spot. The CCA is taking more money fro the big oil and landowners in the marsh than they are collecting from recreational fishermen. They will not even discuss this at any meeting. The big land owners are gating off the canals and politicians get to fish and duck behind the gates. What really bothers me most is that these very same canals are a primary reason we have lost so much of the marsh.

I feel the landowners have a right to keep someone of of their land. But the water and the fish in that canal belong to the people. I also feel that because of the erosion issue, they should relinquish any so called right to the canal or have to fill it back in at their expense therfore, helping to hold ground in the marsh.

Because of their lack of stance, I have lost respect for the CCA. The have prostituted themselves to big money and I dont really see any benefit they have provided to saving our fishing and coast line in Louisiana.


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