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Old 01-17-2013, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by BassmanDan View Post
Herr Tim, Vee vant to see your papers! No papers, no freedom!

Seriously, they tell us that the roadblocks are there for our own good- to get the drunk drivers off the road...a good point.
If that is why they are there, then why do they also write tickets for expired plates, window tint, inspection stickers, etc., etc? Might it have something to do with revenue?
When I grew up in Lake Charles, I rarely saw a police car and there was very little serious crime. Now, on a typical day, while driving from Moss Bluff to south Lake Charles, I will see 4-6 sheriff's units, 1 or 2 city units, homeland security, and US Border Patrol.
Funny, I don't feel any safer.
I somewhat agree with you but for different reasons; ever see a car or truck on the road with a busted windshield and inspection sticker from 1999?, how bout those BIG Urange/Green/Blue/Red stickers on the back glass? 9 times out of 10, the first car/truck is a piece of Junk and shouldn't even be on the road. The second senerio, THEY HAVE NO INSURANCE BUT ARE STILL DRIVING AROUND! It's against the law to drive without insurance but the sticker makes them safer, we wouldn't want them to suffer any hardship would we? Will the state be responsible for my loss if these uninsured drivers total my auto since they allowed them knowingly to violate the law? No insurance- No Drivey, impound car/truck until owner can provide proof the have paid for auto insurance for 1 year without a cancellation option. Second time they don't get the car back
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