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Old 08-16-2013, 09:21 PM
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Gottogo49 Gottogo49 is offline
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It's just me but I try to match the hatch.
We have lots of coots and scaup with some greys and teal.
I like variety and I try to make the spread look like what they normally see.
Only 2 greenheads killed last year so I don't put out many of those.
I like to put a couple of mottled ducks as confidence decoys off to one side.
The white breasts of pintail drakes show up well so I put a few of those guys out front.
I found a couple of spoonbill decoys, I like the white breast on the drake even though I shoot spoonies only as a last resort. I like duck butts and headless feeders but I will pick those up if the wind is still and they seem to flare. A jerk string can be a magnet on calm days. That's everything that I know about decoys.
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