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Old 04-16-2014, 02:05 PM
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Ratdog Ratdog is offline
Red Snapper
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
We've been frying the big ones (redfish and drum) for years. On the spur of the moment one time, we called them "golden nuggets" to create greater interest from the children, and the children became big fans of the texture of the bigger fish when fried.

I like the texture of the bigger fish because they stand up to grilling and kabobs and stuff like that without coming apart. I like tender, flakey fish too, just not all the time.
I like bellys and ribbs on the grill wit da terry oxy sauce I calls um baby backs from down under.

Got tooth picks built in and native necklace charms makeing for later.
I would eat more blacks if the ones at fresh water did not have so many bad in belly cavity all to tail. A shame as the small ones seem to have them too. Only the pan fryer size that is iligal are edible but I never take them cuz I'm scared of the water police shooting me.
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