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Old 04-16-2014, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by keakar View Post
gots news for ya, they are in EVERY fish that feed off the bottom or eat things that do.

cook a small fish whole and suddenly find a hollow spot, that's where the worms were at. the worms are 99% water and basically disappear in hot grease and dissolve to nothing so even if you missed one you are never going to be eating one if the fish is fried. big or small all fish have them you just don't see them because they are small like hair. as fish get bigger so do the worms. they live off of the fish but don't eat the fish so they are just passengers along for the ride like barnacles. they stay in pockets mostly and are easy to cut around or simply grab it and pull it out like strand of spegetti, its like picking the seeds out of a watermellon.

these are not worms like you see in animal meat, they are more like tape worms that feed off of the food the fish eats. the reason drum have so many is they eat off the bottom and often dead items the come accross are eaten and they contain the worms so the worms crawl into the tail section of the fish because its the least firm meat they can bore into so they make their home in the tail. when they get mature they crawl out of the fish and fall to the water bottom where they search for something dead to plant their eggs in to start another batch of worms and when another fish comes along to eat it the cycle starts over again.

I could be wrong about a few minor points in the life cycle process but the overall point is they are nothing more yucky then the dead mullet you find in the fishes belly so those worms that most people freak out over are just something to cut out and discard just like the guts but not a reason not to eat the rest of the fish.
Sorry but my eyes tell me different as do the books.

I have cought several sizes and the worms are very visible spaghetti size thus spaghetti worms and yes some are small in length but with is pretty much the same. Now there are microscopic types that will turn the meat mushy you don't see them but the area they infest is like a bruise and raw meet is a bit mushy.

I got no problem eating worms for protean but I have always felt better eating helthy fish.

As fare as worm meet the large ones seem to move quit a bit more and I find a soak in water with a bit of bleach pulls um out quick if u do it right after catch and clean.

No big deal I use the bad ones for crab bait. But prefer to find a solution to the worm thing. Like reds. But that's me I eat reds 21 lbs and up.

I have never seen spaghetti worms I'm them but have seen mush spot.

I must agree black drum tastes better than red though just wish I could get a big one out of fresh water.

Again I like black drum. And I have always wonderd were comer iCal fishers get worm free ones. I don't think they can sell infected fish on the market.

One other point is you can't just cut um out. In the belly I wish try from head to tail in the meat blood line even swim bladder a bunch of squirming spaghetti.

To me that ain't helthy.

I have thought of as a solution to set up pin and deworming the fish with some sort of worker but the water police would shoot you. And I bet I would be branded a fool again too.especialy for giving them a reson to shoot me.
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