Thread: Drost Resigned
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Old 06-08-2014, 05:45 PM
CharlieFoxtrot CharlieFoxtrot is offline
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Question Mullet

Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
Wish I could, but I just returned to BR and not planning to be back in LC until the SC Tourney. I have already sent one email to the Oyster biologist asking for the 2014 oyster stock assessment, and if they discuss any other stock assessment data at the meeting, I'll email them afterward asking for it.

I am hoping that some trustworthy parties can report back here on what happens at this meeting, or at least email me privately with the info.

I think the most important thing we need to communicate is that sportsman will not tolerate restrictive management strategies unless the supporting data is shared.

Closing the pogey plant has made the weir thing something of a red herring this year. Redfish and trout are growing fat on all the extra pogeys and their offspring that are in the system now that there are 100-200 kilotons of extra menhaden in the near shore waters moving into and out of the system for the fish to get fat on. Shutting down the pogey operation has probably also left lots of other species that were formerly removed from the area as bycatch of the pogey operations.

Where are the large rafts of mullet commonly seen in the 90s?
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