Thread: Specks eat
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Old 06-14-2014, 09:29 AM
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Gottogo49 Gottogo49 is offline
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One of the best tricks at night under the wharf lights is to take a live white trout, bigger the better, and put it out under a popping cork. Big trout love those things, also big reds and big gars. I once hooked a 13" trout on Commissary pt and while I was reeling it in it all of a sudden took off to the side, in retrospect I should have hit the free spool but I didn't, I pulled it in and up comes a trout as big as my leg with my little trout cross ways in her mouth. When she realized what was going on she just opened her mouth and swam off leaving me with my mouth open and a small but well punctured keeper trout.
Remember the story last year when the dude who was fishing with a guide had a large dead shrimp under a popping cork and caught a 10 lb trout. Big trout are opportunistic feeders. Like lions they would rather eat a zebra than a rabbit but if a rabbit makes itself easy prey, goodbye rabbit.
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