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Old 07-10-2014, 08:52 AM
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Nickt87 Nickt87 is offline
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Originally Posted by fishwater View Post
Whoever the guy that said I didn't come in here with a belt buckle on and and a cowboy hat I am not from Texas haha. He had a lot of good points
That was me, and that was my nicest way of telling that goon that I don't give 2 turds what the hell Texas does with their fishery, especially after you just stated that their creel limit decision wasn't based primarily on scientific data but partially on social premise.

Other than that statement I tried to keep most of my comments black and white and to the point for the presenters to understand and answer as well as the audience to follow. I frown upon anyone that does nothing but rant on the internet and then sit back and watch when they get in front of people that they supposedly want to hang. I understand some feel like it falls on deaf ears but if you're going to take the time to drive over and attend then go ahead and take the opportunity to put them on the hot seat. Interrogation and quarreling can be done in an educated and fair manner and still have a monumental impact.

As for the content provided I feel some of it was eye opening and some of it was redundant and part of the horse and pony show.

My biggest concern leaving the meeting was that they have black and white data and charts explaining that oyster habitat and population is rapidly decreasing and they have done slim to none to protect, conserve, and restore it. Later in the night I voiced that people are in panic because we are hearing of trout limit cuts and we are afraid it is for all the wrong reasons. What makes us think that you have the estuaries best interest in mind? You have already proven that you can't manage and maintain a species that you have concrete data on. How are we supposed to trust and support your decision on trout limits when you say that you haven't collected data on speckled trout since 2010? And that data isn't even region specific!

Overall, I did apprecitate CCA for taking the time to show and put on the meeting. Possibly, if they would have recieved questions and comments from the most concerned the meeting could have been even more informative. You never know what one question or comment can lead to.
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