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Old 04-08-2015, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Nickt87 View Post
My true thoughts?

I can't say that he was probably doing something he shouldn't have because I have ZERO knowledge on why he was approached by police or the reason he fled.

But to flee from law enforcement is the only other cardinal sin other than shooting at them.

What if the cop was unable to capture Wallace and Wallace went on to run through peoples homes, steal vehicles to flee, or harm innocent victims enroute to freedom? What if Wallace would have turned a corner and hid to ambush the officer with a gun or knife?

A Jeanerette officer lost control of his vehicle yesterday and was killed bc he pursued a fleeing suspect rather than terminate the problem at the beginning. I doubt his wife and children are glad he made that decision.

Bottom Line. #1 Don't do anything that will attract law enforcement #2 if you are approached by them don't flee or shoot at them, at that point you are asking for it.

Do I think that just because someone flees from the police it automatically gives the police the right to shoot them. Yes, it is law enforcements priority to protect society, at the point of flight you are immediately/gravely endangering others around you.
I understand your points and see how some people may agree with them. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. I also agree that the guy was asking for trouble when he ran from the officer. you still can't shoot a man in the back.

If the suspect was wielding a weapon, driving dangerously while fleeing, or acting violently (which I do not know if he was or not prior to the start of the video) I would probably agree with your opinion about the officer having the right to shoot him in the back while he was 20' away running in the opposite know, to protect society.

The amount of times this trigger happy officer fired and the way he planted the taster next to him confirms, in my mind, that the officer knew that the shooting was unnecessary from the second he raised his firearm up until he stood over the man and watched him take his last breath.

Like I said this is my opinion and the reason I posted was to hear other people's opinions. Hearing yours does give me another point of view that I had not previously considered.
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