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Old 04-08-2015, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Mako19 View Post
From a "what if" stand point you make a pretty good case for shooting a man in the back.

It's easy to play the "what if" card:
"what if" that officer, who obviously has an issue with thinking he is above the law, is known for harassing and beating suspects for no reason? Then, the guy had a good reason to run from him.

One thing is for certain. The law is VERY clear and it states that NO ONE, not a good semaritan with a CCL like martf, or a trigger happy officer like in the video, has the right to shoot a man in the back.

I couldn't legally shoot someone after they broke into my house if they were climbing out of the window to leave.

Hell, there is a very high profile case ongoing right now where a 20 year old man is on trial in Lafayette for killing a 15 year old and wounding 2 other kids. He shot at them as they drove away from his house. He claims they had just broke into his truck, but when he shot at them they were in a vehicle and driving away. Like the Killer Cop he will likely spend the next 30 years in prison.
I didn't jump to conclusions on if the suspect was up to no good from the start, don't do so for the cop thinking he has a problem with his opinion of being above the law.

If the officer was known for beating suspects for no reason than he would've been filmed doing so and the victim would become a hero with a few bumps and bruises and be hand fed grapes by Al Sharpton on the White House lawn for the rest of his life. What if the suspect was known for carrying handguns bc he was a local drug dealer?

And don't think I am some kill happy person, I am far from it. I oppose the death penalty because I don't believe a man has the right or should have the ability to judge a man to life or death, that's God's position. But if a man is immediately/gravely endangering society than he must be subdued with appropriate force. Do I believe that shooting a man in the back could be appropriate force during an event. Yes. Was shooting a man in the back appropriate force during this event? The courts will now judge if it was the appropriate force, just like they did for Darren Wilson.
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