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Old 08-14-2015, 03:37 PM
Andy C Andy C is offline
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Originally Posted by CajunChristian View Post
Andy and Duck, I agree with you 1000%. Folks love to quote bits and pieces of scripture to suit their opinion.
Why would the Good Lord put so much survival instinct in people? It's nothing we did, God put it there. Quote anything you want to, I'll continue to teach Church Security Teams. As for the old "if I need a gun, I ain't going to church", just another excuse. If a person does not want to go to church, they'll find an excuse, and that's fine. But don't use the dumbest argument in the world. I guess you don't carry life jackets in your boat, why should you, no fire extinguisher either, you'll never need it. I guess you stay away from places you might need that fire extinguisher. Truth be known, an honest, decent, law abiding person needs to be armed EVERYWHERE they go. Sorry, but we don't get a few days notice when thuggery will take place. FLAME AWAY!

Agree, so yall have fire drills at your place of worship ?
If not yall should, seeing how yall have that many people.
Smoke and fire kills waymore people in panic then guns. We have real candles in my church so fire is a real threat that scares me, being a fireman, and now there's drills just out of the blue, and everyone knows what to do/ where to go. Not just panic and stampead to the closest exists I understand your church is way larger, and a fire is worse then a firearm show down, but it should be part of every house,school,church,place of work to practice a fire or shooting. Cause mass panic kills!! More then fire or a shooter ! Just something yall might consider in yalls training or to maybe put in it to be more effective if a threat ever dose happens prying it never does to anyone.
But have seen what happens when everyone is not on the same page and panic hits, wither a family of 3 or ten thousand, hopefully you can incorporate that into your house and your place of worship.
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