Thread: NFL Free Zone
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Old 10-26-2017, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Nickt87 View Post
It is disrespectful to this country. When the anthem and pledge is being recited you stand at attention, take your hat off, and place your hand on your heart. (At least that?s how I was taught by my Father and Grandfather)
That?s the least they can do for a country they GAVE them free food, free healthcare, free education and the opportunity to make millions for catching a ball.

If they don?t like it they can go take their sorry *** elsewhere. Go stand in front of the police station during the off season if you want to hold it down for Michael Brown and all your other fallen homies who never did anything bad. They want to be activist then they should be activists for bigger issues like their cultures serial nutting and getting 9 different mammies pregnant and then not raising their children, or maybe black on black crime, or maybe the fact that they?ve been given astronomical amounts of handouts their entire life starting at free birth costs all the way to free college education and they still suck at being functional members of society. It?s not an external issue, it?s an internal issue.

If I really cared or I thought it mattered I?d tell you how I really felt. I?m not wasting my time speaking or thinking about their ignorant *** anymore.
Man, you hit the nail square on the head!! Great post
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