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Old 04-10-2014, 01:01 PM
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Default Questions on breast cancer?

My mom was diagnosed with breast Vance in her right breast I has not spread to her lympnoid.they recommended removing whole breast and lympnoid they said doing this no chemo or radiation will be question is how long is hospital stay after removal and how long is recovery.once she has recovered they will do reconstruction for dad went they lung cancer two years ago we removed left lung and he has been cancer free thanks to the man upstairs I was just asking for some of y'all experience with breast cancer hopfully we caught early and all will be ok.thanks in advances we were just talking and she said Saturday we can go to the pond and catch some white perch she enjoys fishing but is afraid of h2o so won't go into boat.
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Old 04-10-2014, 01:20 PM
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every case is different and only her doctor can answer your questions with any shred of reliability unless you want pure guesses and speculation.

I have several relatives gone through this but each had different experiences, it all depends on the type of procedure they do and how much they need to do.
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Old 04-10-2014, 01:32 PM
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Sorry to hear this.

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 and had a double macectamy.

First thing that I tell anyone is diagnosed with Cancer is to please do yourself a favor and go to MD Anderson in Houston!
Even if you just go get a second opinion once you walk in you will realize that they are on an entirely different level than other hospitals when it comes to cancer!
In Lafayette the wanted to do a single mecectamy and chemo therapy to my mom. MD Anderson recommended a double macectamy with no chemo or radiation after.

Also, and I know this is your mom's decision, but she may think about removing both breasts. The percentage of women who remove just one breast then get cancer in the other a few years later is higher than you would think.

To answer your questions:
My mom only stayed 2-3 days in hospital after her macectamy. They get you out of there pretty quickly but she was no where near ready to stay by herself. Recovery is pretty lengthy. I do not remember exactly but she was out of work for 4-6 weeks.

6-8 months later she did the reconstruction surgery. This surgery was VERY ROUGH one her! The Dr. did not warn her how brutal the recovery would be and honestly we were not prepared as a family for what she went through after the reconstructive surgery.

In my mother's case the Dr. had remove quite a bit of skin due to the cancer so this may have made this surgery worse. Just giving you my family's experience.

In the last 3 years my mother has had two brain surgeries to remove tumors, a double macectamy, and two surgeris for reconstruction. The first reconstructive surgery was by far the most painful and longest recovery out of all of them.

Another common problem after reconstruction is infection. My mother got a very bad infection due to them placing the silicon implants in her body and had to have a cathador installed in her artery in her neck and we had to give her antibiotics intraveiniously for several weeksto fight the infection. The Dr. was very close to having another surgery to remove the implants if the infection would have gotten worse.

I tell you this because after all was said and done my mother stated that if she knew how serious the reconstructive surgery was she may not have even chosen to have it.

After the surgery they will talk about the "margins" a lot which is how they determine if the cancer has had a chance to spread.

Also, I see you live in Lake Arthur but if you can get your mom to Miles Perret I recommend it. They are wonderful people and REALLY helped my Mom out when she was very depressed. They gave her all types of things to help her like bras with fake boobs. They also offer counceling and exercise programs. They even would give her gas cards to help pay for the gas when we were driving back and forth to MD Anderson in Houston.

The coolest thing was that they sent her and 5 other breast cancer survivors to a 3 day weekend at a camp in Cypremort Point. They picked them up in a Limo and fed them, let them fish off of the pier, had group counceling sessions, and treated them like Queens the entire weeknd. My mom made friends on that trip with other survivors that she still talks to.

I will say a prayer for your mom and your family.
Keep her spirits up and stay positive.
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Old 04-10-2014, 02:33 PM
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Thanks mako and I'm with her every appt ment and I told her what ever her desion is I will back her and I wanted md Anderson but she has no insurance when my day got cancer and on disability she lost insurance so we are at charity my dad worked all his life hard in oil field and when he got cancer they put him on 1300 month disability and forgot about my mom no insurance she was disable with diabetes and naroohathy she was getting 200 a month but when dad got disable from cancer they dropped her and her med card so I been paying for some of her med our government is messed up
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Old 04-10-2014, 03:04 PM
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Let me know if you ever have any questions or just need to talk.
It sounds like you guys caught it early and that you are doing a great job of being there for your mom.

Stay positive and go check out Miles Perrett!
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Old 04-10-2014, 03:06 PM
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Sorry to hear that man.
My mom my sister and grandmother had it and have been cancer free for sometime now. A 54 year old MAN at my work just was diagnosed and had a double mastectomy a couple weeks ago. Breast Cancer is a mofo.

Spiral Out
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Old 04-10-2014, 03:57 PM
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Wwe just signed paper gonna remove on 28 I might take you up on your offer mako and let her talk to your mom and the dr said that my dad will half to be mr mom for a month and we will wait on her hand and foot make her a queen
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Old 04-10-2014, 11:38 PM
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It is not anything to joke about!
I worked for ten years as a HT.
Histologic technician .
Skin cancer to breast cancer.
It is incidius.
Do not go with the first DR.
Get two to three reports.
Do not give up. It can be beet.
I have seen it beat. Not the best fight will do it but a fight nun the less.
The worst thing about it is the idea that sets in that you are alone.!
You must speek to who ever will listen.
Mental condition and expected outcome is the best med.
Anyone that does not have time to help must be removed from inner circle.
Anyone that even gives a bit of hope must be persuet.

Good luck I told my lord about you.

Don't keep it a secret. Tell every one and when that day comes that it is gone then seek out others that suffer the same.tell them . Show them it can be beat!
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Old 04-11-2014, 06:08 AM
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Hang in there and stay positive.

We will keep your family in our prayers.
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Old 04-11-2014, 07:14 AM
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I have to disagree about md Anderson. Being in the medical field, I have heard nothing but bad things about them. Had several family members go there and all have passed from CA. Md is a research hospital. They are trying all the latest and greatest things...things that they arent sure are goin to work or not. Ppl down the road will benefit from your stay at md Anderson but that may cost you your life. I'm not saying they haven't saved a bunch of ppl but as a whole the name they have in society isn't as great as ppl think. However as crazy as it sounds, I have heard phenomenal things about cancer treatment centers of America like on tv. Had a friend diagnosed with stage4, nothing they could do, only a few months to live. He called them. Flew up north. Within 2 days of being there he was on the OR table and is now in complete remission. Heard other great stories from there as well.

Last edited by FF_T_Warren; 04-11-2014 at 07:56 AM.
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Old 04-11-2014, 07:53 AM
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Thanks to all and rat dog if will eliminate anyone that will bring her down and praise one who is possitive.and the most help will come from the man upstairs
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