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Old 08-19-2014, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by fishinpox View Post
Uneducated , no role models , society where being a "thug" or "gangster" is cool . I question myself " how would I look at this if the cop was black or m brown was white or the cop white and the kid white" either was rioting, looting in your community solves nothing , I would also hope that I'm educated enough to have the same feeling regardless of color . The problem isn't furgeson mizzou it's What has become accatable all over America . It ok to teach your kids how to work the system so they don't actually have to work , it's ok to have role models who are criminal rappers , it's cool to wear shirts that say " stop snitching " it's cool to play the knock out game, until one of these role models steps up and says all this is bull crap! And shows the uneducated that stuff is trash! And it's actually cool to support your family by working, and role model should be god , working to help others is cool . Until there is major change in thinking nothing will change
We actually agree for
Very well spoken pox. King's to you.
It boggles my mind that no black celebrity (that I know of) has publicly condemd their behavior in Ferguson.
You can bet your azz that there will be a multitude of rap songs to honor mike brown though.
Even if he turns out to be a thug like Trayvon was he will still be an idol.
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Old 08-20-2014, 06:37 AM
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Any celebrity black or white . Celebrity = media wh ore = uneducated peoples role model . If someone famous starts complaining about something on tv or in the media the Un educated masses believe its true and they follow like drones !
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Old 08-20-2014, 06:54 AM
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Originally Posted by duckman1911 View Post
If the reports I have have read. IF. I do believe the officer was right to use deadly force. As a citizen I would have down the same thing. At the same time I do believe there is a real issue with law enforcement and the use of force in this country.
We are at a time when even a verbal disagreement with a cop is viewed as commbative behavior by law enforcement. They are quick to use those tasers. Tasers and pepper spray ruined law enforcement imo
Why do you think the officer was right in using deadly force? I still haven't heard details of the confrontation? Not disagreeing with you, just wondering if you have heard something I haven't
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Old 08-20-2014, 07:01 AM
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I personally don't see much difference in this and what our forefathers did when they started this country.

People are acting out against what they perceive as an injustice. When police brutality is such a common thing, how is anyone supposed to wait for the facts at this point? Renegade cops have created a situation where this guy being in the right won't mean a damn thing
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Old 08-20-2014, 07:01 AM
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Originally Posted by fishinpox View Post
Uneducated , no role models , society where being a "thug" or "gangster" is cool . I question myself " how would I look at this if the cop was black or m brown was white or the cop white and the kid white" either was rioting, looting in your community solves nothing , I would also hope that I'm educated enough to have the same feeling regardless of color . The problem isn't furgeson mizzou it's What has become accatable all over America . It ok to teach your kids how to work the system so they don't actually have to work , it's ok to have role models who are criminal rappers , it's cool to wear shirts that say " stop snitching " it's cool to play the knock out game, until one of these role models steps up and says all this is bull crap! And shows the uneducated that stuff is trash! And it's actually cool to support your family by working, and role model should be god , working to help others is cool . Until there is major change in thinking nothing will change
It also helps to see mom and or dad waking up every morning and going to work. If you see mom and or dad wake up every morning and chill on the sofa and watch tv or worse, that's what you think is normal and acceptable behavior for adult Americans. The comfort provided by the current level of welfare is too high. There is no incentive to get a minimum wage job because the lifestyle provided by welfare income is about very comparable.
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Old 08-20-2014, 07:07 AM
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Originally Posted by mr crab View Post
It also helps to see mom and or dad waking up every morning and going to work. If you see mom and or dad wake up every morning and chill on the sofa and watch tv or worse, that's what you think is normal and acceptable behavior for adult Americans. The comfort provided by the current level of welfare is too high. There is no incentive to get a minimum wage job because the lifestyle provided by welfare income is about very comparable.


Every hard workin person I know has parents that worked hard.
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Old 08-20-2014, 07:18 AM
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Every time a black leader says "stop! Go get a job, take care of your children, don't blame everyone else" they are blasted as being an Uncle Tom or not really black. By there own leaders like Jackson and sharpton.
Bill Cosby is laughed at and called a crazy old man.

These people are told from the time they are born they can't make it, that they are victims and all the white folks are against them. People (of all races) will take the easy way out. It is much easier to blame everyone else rather than look at the mistakes that you have made or work hard and earn it.
Until there is real leadership the problem will not get fixed.

There is a movement in the youth of this country that they can't be successful. Even there teachers are telling them this. Make sure you encourage your children and young adults let them know there are already a success, they will make mistakes and from time to time and lose. Yes the cards aren't always in your favor but that's just life.
What really is important is they get back up and push forward especially when it's hard. That's what makes them a success.
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Old 08-20-2014, 07:47 AM
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Love or hate Bill O'Reilly, I think he nailed it here. Pretty much goes hand in hand with Pox and Duckman......
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Old 08-20-2014, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by fishinpox View Post
Uneducated , no role models , society where being a "thug" or "gangster" is cool . I question myself " how would I look at this if the cop was black or m brown was white or the cop white and the kid white" either was rioting, looting in your community solves nothing , I would also hope that I'm educated enough to have the same feeling regardless of color . The problem isn't furgeson mizzou it's What has become accatable all over America . It ok to teach your kids how to work the system so they don't actually have to work , it's ok to have role models who are criminal rappers , it's cool to wear shirts that say " stop snitching " it's cool to play the knock out game, until one of these role models steps up and says all this is bull crap! And shows the uneducated that stuff is trash! And it's actually cool to support your family by working, and role model should be god , working to help others is cool . Until there is major change in thinking nothing will change
Originally Posted by mr crab View Post
Why do you think the officer was right in using deadly force? I still haven't heard details of the confrontation? Not disagreeing with you, just wondering if you have heard something I haven't
I read a report that said the officer had a broken eye socket from being hit by the guy and the guy was coming for more. IF that is true the officer did what he needed to do. IF
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Old 08-20-2014, 08:29 AM
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Caption this!!!! Lmao

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Old 08-20-2014, 08:32 AM
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Default haha

Originally Posted by SaltERedneck View Post
Caption this!!!! Lmao

Attachment 73512

yeah boyeee that pepper spray is ruff hahahaha
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Old 08-20-2014, 08:47 AM
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Do you think he went back the next day?
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Old 08-20-2014, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by tboy View Post
Love or hate Bill O'Reilly, I think he nailed it here. Pretty much goes hand in hand with Pox and Duckman......
I think one of the biggest problems is the government paying these girls to have babies out of wedlock. They get around $1,500 per month per child. Lots of them have 4-6 by the time they are 25-30 yrs old. You do the math! If they get married most of the funds are cut off. That's why 75-80% of African Am are born with no father figure. No father figure = thugs (most of the time, there are exceptions). The family unit has been destroyed to get votes for the dems. Just my opinion.
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Old 08-20-2014, 11:33 AM
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One neatly placed cardboard box. Three pounds of tannerite. Eight pounds of various nuts, bolts, and ball bearings. I well placed rifle bullet. Riot over immedietly.
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Old 08-20-2014, 12:34 PM
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Perhaps i am looking at this differently than most of you...

But it seems to me that we are all being led down a path to make this about race, and how different races have different values.

When in point of fact we really should be looking at this and saying, "Are we okay that it's becoming the "norm" for deadly force to be used"

I think the retired Lt. Colonel Michael Bell may have the best solution, he spearheaded a campaign to mandate INDEPENDENT oversight of police departments, he did this when his white son was shot dead by a police officer, in a case of probable police misconduct.

His point of contention was that, police dept's throughout the US operate with only internal oversight of officer conduct. He pushed to create independent oversight of all police involved shootings.

I am not thoroughly read up on him, and am not sure of his standing in regards to other issues,...... But on this issue, he is making sense to me.

Please read up on him here,
and here.

If someone here knows more info about him and what he is pushing for please do share.

Sadly though, the overwhelming majority of American's... (of all colors) continue to participate in the media circle-jerk of.............

(pick your flavor)

1) (Vanilla flavor) Dem crazy blackies are all worthless thug muffins that only know how to cash welfare checks and put low pro tires on their cars.

2) (Chocolate flavor) Hide yo kids, Hide you Wifes, Dem crazy cracker white folk be killen n raping errybody up in heah!!!!
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Old 08-20-2014, 12:56 PM
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Old 08-20-2014, 01:48 PM
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I have been sitting back and taking it all in - since not all the facts are out. One thing that has set me off is the public officials and governmental leaders that are using this incident to get some time on the boob tube. It is absolutely ludicrious what the governor said about "prosecuting" the officer, it is eaqually apalling for Holder to go show his face over there - when they have double digit homicides in Chicago on a weekly basis which are for the most part black on black crimes.

All indications by people with a brain read it as a 6'4, 300lb thug high on marijuana which was probably "wet" (won't show on testing) was confronted by a white police officer and engaged. The officer was attempting to retreat to his unit (multiple witnesses) when the thug went in after him and officer was already injured. He wanted his gun, so he got it!!!

I am appalled as to what the political leaders are saying and how they are conducting themselves. I am also fed up with the news media cooking the stories to make in more "meaty" for ratings.

I will leave you guys with a few closing statements:
1)- If I am holding my AR rifle and I'm ordered to clear the streets of people rioting and causing mayhem, I will do that. I the course of those actions you threaten me I will issue you a warning that may sound like the guy in the video "I will kill you" if needed!!!!
2)-Of the poeple looting, rioting, and shooting up the night - how many actually live there where it happened???
3)- Over a month ago, I had to assist one of my coworkers who was shot in the neck in an ambush attack. He will never be the same - currently still in a rehab hospital after 24 years of service to his community. *the thug that shot him had no job, was not paying child support for his kids, and was living off his girlfirends welfare money. Where is the outrage?
4)- On that same day, an officer in Vermillion Parish was shot and killed by 2 thugs. Where is the riots and outrage - where is Holder? Why doesn't he come apologize to these two families?
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Old 08-20-2014, 01:53 PM
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This is what his life is now.................
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Old 08-20-2014, 02:12 PM
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Dang...FFF....Thats terrible about your buddy, and the officer in Verm. Parish. Sorry to hear about that.
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Old 08-20-2014, 02:13 PM
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There is a lot to be said for both sides of the issue. I do and have always believed the use of deadly force is sometimes needed. I also believe that the use of force by law enforcement is getting out of hand. It seems they are way to fast to knock down your door and come in ready for a fight in the middle of the night. If they happen to have the wrong adress (happens a lot) you get an apology from the department (if you didn't get shot while trying to defend yourself in the middle of the night from an attack) and you will most likely have to sue the department to be reimbursed for the damage to your home.
I don't think any officer should be harmed while doing his/her job justly but if not you should have equal right to defend yourself against them.
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