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Old 07-14-2015, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Nickt87 View Post
No matter how hard you try to teach your kid right from wrong for the 4 hours you see them a day, it won't hold a candle to what they're going to be exposed to in the everyday world now a days.
You took the words right out of my mouth ! I say this all the time.

I have 3 kids ranging from 14-24. I was a single dad for the most part and have had custody of them since 2003. Between sports, dance, school, and their friends your right. Than add in my work time ... At the end of the day you try to get in all the influence you can in a short amount of time. Then hope and pray.

So far I've been blessed with my kids staying on track and out of trouble. They already hard workers at such a young age. Even my 14 year old gets an allowance only AFTER her chores are completed for the week.

As duck said there are people that need to "swipe" and I understand that. However I can honestly say that hard work has allowed me to raise my family without having to do so. I raise my kids with the thought process that you have to work for what you want in life. That its NOT FREE !!! and they well understand at their age where the "swiper's" money comes from. I just tell them to look at their check stub !
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Old 07-14-2015, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by BassAssasin View Post
Go watch idiocracy. We will get outbred if all the normal folks quit having kids.
This is true. President Camacho (Terry Crews) might do us some good though lol. My fiancée actually wrote a paper while getting her masters on human evolution basically reversing (intelligence wise). Then I made her watch Idiocracy, pretty much sums it up lol. Natural selection still will have its effect throughout our time (aka. survival of the fittest; aka. stupid people dying more than not so stupid people. Ex.- Guy that lit fireworks off his head, and pretty much everyone that got killed on July 4th). But.. natural selection is whoever can reproduce more, not necessarily who is the most fit to survive , and who reproduces more than anyone else? Typically the poor, who are typically uneducated. So look at this on a worldwide scale, not just here. Fast forward a couple of generations...boom.. full retard.
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Old 07-14-2015, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by C-Bass2mouth View Post
This is true. President Camacho (Terry Crews) might do us some good though lol. My fiancée actually wrote a paper while getting her masters on human evolution basically reversing (intelligence wise). Then I made her watch Idiocracy, pretty much sums it up lol. Natural selection still will have its effect throughout our time (aka. survival of the fittest; aka. stupid people dying more than not so stupid people. Ex.- Guy that lit fireworks off his head, and pretty much everyone that got killed on July 4th). But.. natural selection is whoever can reproduce more, not necessarily who is the most fit to survive , and who reproduces more than anyone else? Typically the poor, who are typically uneducated. So look at this on a worldwide scale, not just here. Fast forward a couple of generations...boom.. full retard.
Go scroll through your FB "friends" list and pick out the people from highschool/early college and write it down on some paper. Then go put their age and number of kids they have next to that. Then think about their intelligence level, education, and ability to contribute to society. Kinda scary but the very large majority of brood *****es(multiple kids) from my highschool days are the exact opposite of the breeding material that this country needs, and so are their sperm donors.
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Old 07-14-2015, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by B-Stealth View Post
The little crumb snatchers grow up to be BIG crumb snatchers with Diabetes and guess who foots the bill for that??

We could go on for hours beating this horse, but it's a ****ed up cycle we got ourself in.

that is the truth...a screwed up cycle..that seem to never end. Sad thing the kids learn this from the adults........I am sure the two ladies are heathy enough to work and earn a living....however there way of thinking why work and when the government can give it to you for free...sad...Very Sad...
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Old 07-14-2015, 02:02 PM
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sad to say but its too late to save America, the water is coming over the top of the transom so grabbing a bailing bucket is useless at this point.

there are more voters receiving a government check to not work then there are hard working tax payer voters who actually still vote, so nothing will ever change, it will only get worse.

even those who want to vote to restore this great country get left with the likes of john mcain or mit Romney, both big government rhinos, not conservatives, so people who can make a difference decide to just stay home because no one who represents their views on what needs to be done is there to vote for. this is done on purpose and not by accident.

add to that the queen of socialist progressive party, Hilary Clinton, is being beat in the polls by a guy who announced he was a proud strict hardline socialist "his own words" so that tells you where we are in America today.

there are no more then a dozen small government conservatives left in congress at best, and none of them have positions of power.

you know its a shame, but if iran blew up a nuke in Washington, they would be saving America, not attacking it. then we could start over new with politicians who represented the people who voted for them like it used to be 50 years ago.
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Old 07-14-2015, 02:04 PM
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I seen this last Sunday with my gf. At walmart(witch I don't go to unless I have to) two of the ,(card carry an woman) both 350 plus fighting over the electric carts cause they needed one. They waddled there way from the parking lot fine!! I understand sometimes people need a little help and don't mind that. But pass a drug test,walk at the store and don't buy whatever your card gets your fat aeds!! I am 6'1 260 but payed and walked every bite of food that's ever been in my mouth!!

Sitting in a tractor now helping to feed them dumb asdss that don't know where or what it takes to get food to there mouths!!!

Off my box now yall have a good day, hope to see and meet each and everyone of yall on the 1st.
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Old 07-14-2015, 02:18 PM
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Originally Posted by C-Bass2mouth View Post
My lady friend and I recently got engaged, the topic of children has been coming up quite often (about 6 times a week from my mother lol), we've mutually decided we will never try for one. Not that we wouldn't love to have one some day, but for fear of putting something that we would potentially care for so much in this s**t show. Most of our friends either are trying, or already have young children. I can't help but feel sorry for their kids, and almost resent them (parents) for being selfish enough to not even think twice about what they are bringing them into. They just decide they want a baby and go for it, never thinking about the actual unborn child itself. They're all great people / parents or I wouldn't be associated with them. I know these kids will have a great upbringing, and for the most part be molded into useful members of society (at least statistically they should, coming from said upbringings). But I can't help thinking of it as anything other than somewhat selfish. I am typically the "negative thinking, worst case scenario" kind of guy, that over analyzes simple tasks and situations though. Could just be me.
If the good people in our country don't have kids than in a few years there won't be any good people left..... They are already few and far between as it is
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Old 07-14-2015, 02:35 PM
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Originally Posted by alphaman View Post
Other news in Today's America

Today's America you murder 1 kid, you wound 2 others and you get 3 years but suspend all but 13 months 9f the sentence and only half to do 85% of that.

And you may get to do your 8 months at home On a monitor
That is correct....and it happen right here in sweet Lafeyette Louisiana....I have seen people get more time for riding "dirty" then this young man received for killing someone...What is the value of life?
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Old 07-14-2015, 04:14 PM
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Donald is the answer
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Old 07-14-2015, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by simplepeddler View Post
Donald is the answer
I'm really starting to like the Trump/Carson tune...I know that they haven't said anything about it but, the two could work very well together on many aspects of what is so wrong with our country today.

At this point, I feel terrible for what my kids will see in their lifetime. I would almost rather make them swipers so that they don't grow up working themselves to death to not have anything left! <<Of course, I doubt that will be the case. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to teach them to rack up a lot of $, rat hole every dime they can and spool out to Costa Rica at a reasonably young age.
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Old 07-14-2015, 11:57 PM
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Originally Posted by southern151 View Post
I'm really starting to like the Trump/Carson tune...I know that they haven't said anything about it but, the two could work very well together on many aspects of what is so wrong with our country today.

At this point, I feel terrible for what my kids will see in their lifetime. I would almost rather make them swipers so that they don't grow up working themselves to death to not have anything left! <<Of course, I doubt that will be the case. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to teach them to rack up a lot of $, rat hole every dime they can and spool out to Costa Rica at a reasonably young age.
Costa Rica is going to get crowded
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Old 07-15-2015, 03:07 AM
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Originally Posted by mriguy View Post
Costa Rica is going to get crowded
Yep. Looking that way.
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Old 07-15-2015, 08:15 AM
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Originally Posted by mriguy View Post
Costa Rica is going to get crowded
Yeah but, hopefully with a bunch of like-minded people!
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Old 07-15-2015, 08:27 AM
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Originally Posted by C-Bass2mouth View Post
My lady friend and I recently got engaged, the topic of children has been coming up quite often (about 6 times a week from my mother lol), we've mutually decided we will never try for one. Not that we wouldn't love to have one some day, but for fear of putting something that we would potentially care for so much in this s**t show. Most of our friends either are trying, or already have young children. I can't help but feel sorry for their kids, and almost resent them (parents) for being selfish enough to not even think twice about what they are bringing them into. They just decide they want a baby and go for it, never thinking about the actual unborn child itself. They're all great people / parents or I wouldn't be associated with them. I know these kids will have a great upbringing, and for the most part be molded into useful members of society (at least statistically they should, coming from said upbringings). But I can't help thinking of it as anything other than somewhat selfish. I am typically the "negative thinking, worst case scenario" kind of guy, that over analyzes simple tasks and situations though. Could just be me.
We are all called to be salt of the earth my friend, but as we all know, salt can only preserve meat for so long before it finally decays.....

My wife and I have 3 small children and may have more, my mindset being that we (Christians) should do our best to help spread God's word, grow His family and ultimately produce more salt to help this quickly decaying world from falling any faster.....Plus I really love kids......

You and your lady friend should contribute to our team, we will need all the help we can get.
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Old 07-15-2015, 08:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Purple Back View Post
We are all called to be salt of the earth my friend, but as we all know, salt can only preserve meat for so long before it finally decays.....

My wife and I have 3 small children and may have more, my mindset being that we (Christians) should do our best to help spread God's word, grow His family and ultimately produce more salt to help this quickly decaying world from falling any faster.....Plus I really love kids......

You and your lady friend should contribute to our team, we will need all the help we can get.

Just a simple question, do you think the earth is over crowded as it is ?
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Old 07-15-2015, 08:46 AM
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The biggest problem is these blood sucking freeloaders on this site who won't go
Premium and help support it. They just take their handout and think nothing is wrong.
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Old 07-15-2015, 09:23 AM
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Old 07-15-2015, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by southern151 View Post
I'm really starting to like the Trump/Carson tune...I know that they haven't said anything about it but, the two could work very well together on many aspects of what is so wrong with our country today.

At this point, I feel terrible for what my kids will see in their lifetime. I would almost rather make them swipers so that they don't grow up working themselves to death to not have anything left! <<Of course, I doubt that will be the case. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to teach them to rack up a lot of $, rat hole every dime they can and spool out to Costa Rica at a reasonably young age.
I really believe he may be the candle that curses the darkness for a while.
We could use a third party for sure.

and, regardless of the country, I see American's living abroad becoming a big deal...........for me, it would be Dominican or even a USVI, but somewhere I can not deal with stupidty and polictical correctness..........I have no problem helping poor folk, in fact I feel good about doing so.

Challenge is...........politics has blurred he lines for those that really need help.
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Old 07-15-2015, 10:41 AM
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I guess after reading some of the responses I'm sure some would deem me a "contributor" to some of America's problems.

After all ... I couldn't possibly be a good person for having 3 kids that I love dearly. Add to the fact they are a from a broken home. There is just no way according to here that they can be respectable, Godly, hard working Americans that earn what is theirs even at a young age. Guess this means they will automatically be a "swiper" some day ...

Its not the Kids ! ...

Its the darn parents who blame everyone but their own self for their kids not being good people. If parents would be more of a part of their kids lives and actually raise them. Show them right from wrong. Teach them pride, dignity, work ethics, respect, and for every action you do in life there is a reaction so think before you do. Don't always spoil them and teach them that not everything in life is free you have to earn it !

We (America) wouldn't be in this situation with all the "swipers" if there were TRUE parent out there raising their kids ...

We as parents need to look in the mirror before blaming the kids.
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Old 07-15-2015, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by jpd0144 View Post
I guess after reading some of the responses I'm sure some would deem me a "contributor" to some of America's problems.

After all ... I couldn't possibly be a good person for having 3 kids that I love dearly. Add to the fact they are a from a broken home. There is just no way according to here that they can be respectable, Godly, hard working Americans that earn what is theirs even at a young age. Guess this means they will automatically be a "swiper" some day ...

Its not the Kids ! ...

Its the darn parents who blame everyone but their own self for their kids not being good people. If parents would be more of a part of their kids lives and actually raise them. Show them right from wrong. Teach them pride, dignity, work ethics, respect, and for every action you do in life there is a reaction so think before you do. Don't always spoil them and teach them that not everything in life is free you have to earn it !

We (America) wouldn't be in this situation with all the "swipers" if there were TRUE parent out there raising their kids ...

We as parents need to look in the mirror before blaming the kids.
I think we should hold parents responsible for their Kids actions. If a kid [say 16 years or younger] gets in trouble, the kid and the parents should receive some kind of punishment or finds. And by "finds" I think the fine should be 5 or 10 times what any damage may have been caused.

IMO.... if you start holding the parents responsible for "actions" of their kids, we might starts seeing a change.... for the better.

Also....IMO..... spanking a kid is not always a bad thing.

Another pet peeve of mine is how adults often use the work "OK" after they tell something to another person. When instructions of some kind are given, particularly to a child, you should NEVER add the word OK. By doing this, you are giving them the option to say NO.

Instead, of "OK"... say, do you understand.
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