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Old 11-14-2013, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by AceArcher View Post
Absolutely not.. stick by your guns!!! I am actually glad to hear that you intend to vote with your conscience.. we need more... not less of that.
I really like Ron Paul. If the LP can find a man like him who is pro-life and deeply appreciates (and can elucidate) the important distinctions between state and federal powers, he would likely have my vote in 2016 and beyond.

As it is now, my biggest concern with the LP is that they will allow federal power to grow in ways that impose "libertarian" principles on the states where they can get congressional support or foolish fiats from the federal courts.

Ron Paul staunchly opposed that kind of folly and abuse of federal power.

Most other libertarian candidates are not so principled.
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Old 11-14-2013, 11:19 PM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
For many years I thought my only differences with libertarians were suicide, drugs, porn, gambling and abortion.

Since Sept 11, I've also realized that I am uncomfortable with the degree of isolation many libertarians advocate in foreign policy. I do think that the US should be much less interventionist in foreign wars and avoid being the world's policeman. But when US soil is attacked, or US citizens, we need to put a hurt on the bad people. I also feel strongly that we need to live up to duly passed treaties and international obligations that we have duly incurred. Even if they were a bad idea, backing out on duly incurred treaty obligations is a worse idea. In these cases, we should look for a mutually agreeable way to disentangle ourselves from international messes.

I have also grown to be a convinced federalist. Just because I believe something is a "good idea" or a "bad idea" for government to be involved with; I feel even more strongly about keeping the proper separation between the Constitutional roles of federal and state powers. As a resident of Louisiana, for example, I shouldn't strong arm the federal government for my "good idea" policy changes at the federal level if the matter at hand is not a proper federal power, and I shouldn't exert undue influence on policy issues in other states. It's OK for 50 states to have 50 different state level drug laws, driver's license requirements, drinking ages, etc. The Libertarian party platform almost demands uniformity of laws in different states.

I wouldn't mind too much if the feds got out of the drug game, but the US really needs to extract itself from some duly passed international treaties first, as well as (at the Federal level) get out of welfare, health care and higher education. Legalizing drugs would be much more tenable if the federal government would let abusers crash and burn (per a libertarian philosophy). Legalizing drugs while providing a "safety net" for drug abusers sounds like a step toward libertarian policies, but in the end will yield a bigger and more controlling government.

It is interesting to me that libertarians usually are making public policy pushes for the most egregious parts of their overall platform. Rather than less taxes and smaller government, 2nd amendment rights, and reduced regulation on businesses, they tout stuff like drug legalization, gambling, and pornography. Some even tout gay marriage.

Gambling is a great example where "legalization" increases rather than decreases government control and involvement. I fear drugs will likely turn out the same way.
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Old 11-14-2013, 11:23 PM
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You guys are AWESOME LMAO
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Old 11-14-2013, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by longcast View Post
Geek. You need to go have a drink,smoke a joint and get some *****. Live a little.
My wife and I are enjoying our 25th year of marital bliss, and we enjoy a bottle of wine now and then. I make my living solving math and science problems that other people can't and (even if it were legal), there is no way I would impair my moral and scientific judgment by smoking weed, nor would I impair my mathematical abilities. Middle age is hard enough on my mathematical and scientific abilities, and I killed too many brain cells in college.

As an educator, I also need to set a positive example for students everywhere. Physics, Chemistry, and Calculus are hard enough without chemical interference. As a parent, I need to set a positive example for my children. The US will need some home grown scientists and engineers in the next generation.

Life is pretty fun without smoking weed. I've got a smokin' hot wife, beautiful and brilliant children, and a great career. I have no idea what smoking weed feels like, but I doubt it can compare to homeschooling my children, a relaxing evening at home with my wife, or screaming drags catching one bull red after another.
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Old 11-14-2013, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
I really like Ron Paul. If the LP can find a man like him who is pro-life and deeply appreciates (and can elucidate) the important distinctions between state and federal powers, he would likely have my vote in 2016 and beyond.

As it is now, my biggest concern with the LP is that they will allow federal power to grow in ways that impose "libertarian" principles on the states where they can get congressional support or foolish fiats from the federal courts.

Ron Paul staunchly opposed that kind of folly and abuse of federal power.

Most other libertarian candidates are not so principled.
I think you should have a closer look at Gary Johson, It's candidates like him who not only espouse "less government" but actually acted on those thoughts and did it when he was a gov. That's the type of person that we should be looking to. IMO.
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Old 11-15-2013, 12:01 AM
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This thread is useless without w's two cents. It won't be long i can guarantee ya of that.
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Old 11-15-2013, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by AceArcher View Post
I think you should have a closer look at Gary Johson, It's candidates like him who not only espouse "less government" but actually acted on those thoughts and did it when he was a gov. That's the type of person that we should be looking to. IMO.
Gary Johnson advocates the ongoing legalization of the murder of unborn children. Ron Paul is pro-life.

Under his "leadership" the LP has abandoned the key recognition of the importance of federalism and separation of state from federal powers. It certainly appears that Johnson would advocate for the feds running roughshod over state powers and rights if they can successfully force states to implement "libertarian" policies regardless of the desires of those state legislatures.

Ron Paul was clear that recreational drug use is bad, but the federal government should not criminalize it any more than other unhealthy behaviors. Gary Johnson, in contrast, is an actual dope smoking hippie type. It is one thing to support the candidacy of a man whose preferred policies allow marijuana use. It is another to support a man whose judgment is impaired by drug use. It's the difference between voting for a health guru who thinks that the government banning trans fats is absurd and voting for Gov. Chris Christie.

I am also uncomfortable with the way Gary Johnson's first marriage ended. If a man can't be trusted to keep the most sacred vows to his wife, how can he be trusted to be faithful to his oath of office? Ron Paul's faithfulness in marriage gains the trust of voters in a much more convincing manner.
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Old 11-15-2013, 05:50 AM
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Ron is pro life but doesn't care if you want an abortion. Gary Johnson USED weed instead of narcotic pain killers to treat back pain from a accident. Yeah. He's terrible.

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Old 11-15-2013, 05:57 AM
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The 2 party system is a sham and a man of your education does the public a disservice even playing along. We all know this is a joke. People jump on social issues and let that affect how they vote.
" I mean this guy is awesome he could save the country but ........ He doesn't believe in Jesus or he is pro choice and I hear he doesn't care what gay folks do in private.... What what what. Deal breaker "

I find that crazy that we forego the country for social issues.

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Old 11-15-2013, 07:01 AM
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Mathgeek and his walls of text...
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Old 11-15-2013, 07:35 AM
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I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it. – Thomas Jefferson

Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none. –Thomas Jefferson
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Old 11-15-2013, 07:58 AM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
Under his "leadership" the LP has abandoned the key recognition of the importance of federalism and separation of state from federal powers. It certainly appears that Johnson would advocate for the feds running roughshod over state powers and rights if they can successfully force states to implement "libertarian" policies regardless of the desires of those state legislatures. Not sure how you see this being the case, in consideration of the fact that his main message has been a significant reduction in government overall. (and he actually reduced "government" in new mexico by over 10%) But if that's the way you feel... okay.

Ron Paul was clear that recreational drug use is bad, but the federal government should not criminalize it any more than other unhealthy behaviors. Gary Johnson, in contrast, is an actual dope smoking hippie type. True he is a dope smoker, who has climbed Everest (as well as a good number of the world other tallest mountains) Started from the ground up New Mexico's largest Construction Company, and successfully turned the state of New Mexico around by being known as Veto Gary when he vetoed over two hundred bills that included any expansion to government in that state. Guess he is a complete failure because he has used MJ and thinks it's not such a big thing.

I am also uncomfortable with the way Gary Johnson's first marriage ended. If a man can't be trusted to keep the most sacred vows to his wife, how can he be trusted to be faithful to his oath of office? Ron Paul's faithfulness in marriage gains the trust of voters in a much more convincing manner. Divorce happens, sometimes people grow apart. I would rather have a person willing to deal in reality, than one who believes that both people must suffer for a lifetime rather than realize they no longer fit together.
Labeling someone based on pre-conceived notions has long been considered folly. Honestly to some extent we are all guilty of it. Some of the most educated, interesting, world changing people in this world have been; Dope smoking hippies, white trash, N######, Democrap's, Republitard's, Libtard's etc.

We all know that we should not judge people based on their appearance or personal choices... we should have an opinion of people based on their results and there previous conduct.

As a nation we would most benefit by teaching tolerance and working together for our common good. Teaching people to continue to distrust others who have different opinions / looks / values than we do is a road to ruin, paved with good intentions.
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Old 11-15-2013, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Clampy View Post
The 2 party system is a sham and a man of your education does the public a disservice even playing along. We all know this is a joke. People jump on social issues and let that affect how they vote.
" I mean this guy is awesome he could save the country but ........ He doesn't believe in Jesus or he is pro choice and I hear he doesn't care what gay folks do in private.... What what what. Deal breaker "

I find that crazy that we forego the country for social issues.

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I don't think he's advocating the two party system, And i'm very glad that so many here on this board discussing other options to that system.

I hope we all vote our conscience in future elections... and not for the "lesser" evil.
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Old 11-15-2013, 08:33 AM
swt70611 swt70611 is offline
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Trolling is a fun method of fishing with younger kids. I've been doing it for awhile. My neighbor caught a 27" spec a few weeks ago trolling.

Back to the weed topic
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Old 11-15-2013, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by AceArcher View Post

We all know that we should not judge people based on their appearance or personal choices... we should have an opinion of people based on their results and there previous conduct.
WHAT? Of course, we need to judge potential leaders based on their personal choices.

Gary Johnson CHOSE to smoke weed in violation of Federal law and knowing it would set a horrible example to the nation's youth!

Gary Johnson CHOSE to divorce his wife of 27 years.

As a presidential candidate, he CHOSE to run on a platform advocating that the US unilaterally abandon longstanding international commitments promised under duly passed treaties. As a presidential candidate, he CHOSE for the LP platform to exclude clear delineations of state and federal powers.

He's a man who chooses not to keep his promises and does not believe it is necessary for the US to keep our longstanding, duly passed agreements.

This is a character problem. The President should be more than a good manager. The president should be a person deeply committed to the oath of office, a person who keeps promises.

Are you REALLY OK with what Bill Clinton did with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office and how he lied about it under oath? Do you really believe these kinds of choices do not matter?

Last edited by MathGeek; 11-15-2013 at 09:01 AM.
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Old 11-15-2013, 09:16 AM
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Default a lazy mans sport of fishing!!! Zero skills
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Old 11-15-2013, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
I have no idea what smoking weed feels like, but I doubt it can compare to homeschooling my children, a relaxing evening at home with my wife, or screaming drags catching one bull red after another.
But have you ever done all that stuff ON WEED???
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Old 11-15-2013, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post a lazy mans sport of fishing!!! Zero skills
One could say the same about hiring a guide.

Our family first started trolling because my son, 4 at the time, wanted to catch a muskellunge. Muskies are sometimes known as the fish of 1000 casts. Even with trolling, it took the boys a year and a half to put their muskies in the boat. See the attached picture.

Trolling can be very effective in helping inexperienced anglers catch fish. It does not require some of the fine motor skills of finesse working of artificials (but neither does a lot of bait fishing), but it does require being at the right place and keeping the right lures at the right depth. Trolling also requires the same fighting and landing skills as casting artificials and fishing with bait.

Some other reasons I've grown to like trolling is that when casting artificials, there are usually only one or two prime casting locations in the boat. We can troll six to eight lures at a time, giving everyone in the boat a pretty good chance to catch fish. In addition to being a great way to introduce youngsters and less experienced anglers to fishing, I've found trolling to be much easier on my shoulder than a day of casting. A lot of older folks suffer from various joint maladies, and I am no exception. The doctors tell me that my joint pains in my elbow and shoulder are repetitive use injuries that are best alleviated by reducing use and stress. Trolling and bait fishing simply put a lot less wear and tear on an aging shoulder.

A final reason I like trolling is it gives me a chance to learn a body of water well by studying the bottom, the fish, and the bait on the sonar as we move along. Staying in motion also allows us to keep a good distance from other anglers. No need to squeeze anyone for the best spot and minimal opportunity for others to squeeze us or scare away the fish we're targeting. Since the boat is in motion, as soon as someone hooks up, I can steer the boat away from obstacles and give the angler with a fish on plenty of room to fight the fish. We've never lost a fish to structure or the anchor line while trolling, but we've lost a couple (out of hundreds) in the propeller.
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Old 11-15-2013, 10:00 AM
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^ haha " red team go red team go"
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Old 11-15-2013, 10:05 AM
swt70611 swt70611 is offline
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post a lazy mans sport of fishing!!! Zero skills
Without a doubt but fun to watch the kids have fun while drinking cold beer.
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