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Old 08-12-2015, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by evidrine View Post
Sorry, bud I already know the law. Not sure how many times I can repeat myself when I say I do not carry in church because it is illegal for me to do so. Personally with an attitude like yours I would rather not rely on you to protect me or my family. So I will kindly decline your offer. I will say again that my views are my own and that's all. Sorry if that gets you panties all bunched up. Someone commented above about laws allowing criminals to legally carry. Seriously? Since when would that matter? They carry anyway. The only people that suffer from more restrictions are law abiding citizens. But, I am done here. I really enjoy this sight and reading the topics that all you post. So I will let this whole thing go. Difference of opinion that's all.
I agree with you that you should be able to protect yourself and your family at all times. I disagree that CC doesn't have the power to disarm you or ask you to leave. As an authorized member of a security team it is well within his power to do so. Even if compliance comes by force. I see and understand both sides of the coin. As I said earlier it wouldn't be a bad idea for CC's church to allow members to carry if certain criteria are met. So you have to prove you can shoot but how is that bad? I'll take any day at the range burning GP.
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Old 08-12-2015, 02:30 PM
Andy C Andy C is offline
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Originally Posted by CajunChristian View Post
Dog, you hit it. The problem is, every time better background checks is brought up, the screaming about gun control begins. Say what you will, certain types gun control is a very good thing. Otherwise we would have felons legally carrying guns, AGAIN!
Vidrine, I hate to say it, but I don't think you'll ever get it. And you are definitely wrong, I am fully authorized to tell you that you cannot carry in OUR church. Like I said, PM me, I'll give you the address, see you Sunday morning, bring bail money. How about the bouncers in the bar you frequent, they don't own the bar, yet they can throw you out, how can that be? I'm done trying to explain to you, PM me, see ya Sunday, I'll prove it to you.
In fact, I am I the process of training a security team in Lafayette at our Sister Church. Not a single member OWNS the church. Let me get done with their training, you won't even have to travel to prove your point. Just let me know when you're ready How about the off duty deputies paid by some churches to do security, they don't own the church either, challenge them and see where you end up. Your argument does not have any credence to it.

Some very good advice. Sine some want to challenge the legality of Church Security Team authority, you might want to brush up on Louisiana Law. Here's a supplier of Civil and Criminal Law books that are state specific. You might want to read a bit before you start challenging anyone's authority.
Your on a power trip!! We know the laws, and respect them and abide by them!! But you dareing a new member of your church to carry and "see what happens" better have " bail money" ?????

You need to check your ego, and get back to the Lord!!!
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Old 08-12-2015, 02:38 PM
Andy C Andy C is offline
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Originally Posted by duckman1911 View Post
I agree with you that you should be able to protect yourself and your family at all times. I disagree that CC doesn't have the power to disarm you or ask you to leave. As an authorized member of a security team it is well within his power to do so. Even if compliance comes by force. I see and understand both sides of the coin. As I said earlier it wouldn't be a bad idea for CC's church to allow members to carry if certain criteria are met. So you have to prove you can shoot but how is that bad? I'll take any day at the range burning GP.
Agree a hundred percent!! But as a " New member they are not going to interrupt my time with the Lord !
I will find a new church or leave it in the truck!!
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Old 08-12-2015, 02:48 PM
Andy C Andy C is offline
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By the way, cc,what is conceived as a threat to your church, law abiding people are not the one's to worry about!!!

Crazy are crazy and they don't get there guns legal!! So how do you tell the difference??
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Old 08-12-2015, 02:52 PM
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I don't know the layout of CC's church but this is the downside I see against a no carry policy. Things go bad one Sunday morning and people are running scared. One of his team members takes a round or is just pinned down and in a bind. Other members of the team are trying to wade through a crowd of scared people to come help. You are only ten feet away but had to leave your gun in the truck.
CC's point is even though you are only ten feet away you better know how to shoot. His down team member signed up for the job and knew what he was getting into. Ms. Betty at her Sunday service didn't sign up for it and doesn't need to eat a hollow point feom a wana be hero. I think proven you are good enough to be allowed to carry is not unreasonable also being allowed to carry after you prove a certain skill level isn't an unreasonable thing to expect either. Granted a small church versus a large church is a completely different scenqrio
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Old 08-12-2015, 02:55 PM
Andy C Andy C is offline
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Or yall profile every one that walks in?? You know they can't even do that at airports!!!seems like your looking for a reason to show your force!!!
We all respect what your trying to do and doing but dareing New members get off your ego trip!!!!!
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Old 08-12-2015, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Andy C View Post
Agree a hundred percent!! But as a " New member they are not going to interrupt my time with the Lord !
I will find a new church or leave it in the truck!!

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Old 08-12-2015, 03:05 PM
Andy C Andy C is offline
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Duckman, I agree it's way to easy to get a cc permit!!! Not that you should not be able to get one but should be tougher shooting qualifications like knowing how to use your gun!! Other then pulling the trigger at ten yards and hiting a paper 3 out of 9 shots!!

It was his repeated dare to se what happens at his church if you don't know his church rules and carry!! That's got me hot!!
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Old 08-12-2015, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Andy C View Post
Duckman, I agree it's way to easy to get a cc permit!!! Not that you should not be able to get one but should be tougher shooting qualifications like knowing how to use your gun!! Other then pulling the trigger at ten yards and hiting a paper 3 out of 9 shots!!

It was his repeated dare to se what happens at his church if you don't know his church rules and carry!! That's got me hot!!
I understand bro.
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Old 08-12-2015, 03:44 PM
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Cc, yall say yall don't profile I guess?? But yall train alot you said,, ever train with paintballs in the church with2000+ people trying to exist out of 4-10 exists with a shooter in blocking one or more of the exists???? I respect what your trying to do, but bet yall never did that in your church??
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Old 08-12-2015, 04:02 PM
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I'm not daring anyone to do anything. I am talking with a young man that insists he knows the law. I have tried explaining it to him every way I know how. If he is so sure of his knowledge, I simply invited him to prove it. I am absolutely positive of my knowledge on this. Using a private home and neighbors to give permission is ludicrous. The Priest or Pastor does not own the church, the bouncer does not own the bar, the deputy does not own a business, they can all insist that you leave, and have the authority to remove you. I'm not on an ego trip, simply trying to educate a hardheaded youngster. If the only way he understands is "show and tell" so be it.

"CC, yall say yall don't profile I guess??"
Andy, please show me where I said that. Then tell me what group doesn't profile.
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Old 08-12-2015, 04:24 PM
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I am 36, and understand what your saying, but you did say pm. You and you would give the address to a couple different people here, and you said" see what happens" and " bring bail money" to both of them!! How's that not a power or ego trip??

Say me and my family came to your church(leave mine in the truck as asked) and something happens to
Me or one of my family members who is responsible??? You? The security team? Or the church??
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Old 08-12-2015, 04:25 PM
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I am responsible for my family!!!
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Old 08-12-2015, 04:36 PM
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Yall are so well trained?? But yall never semulited that!! I don't care how good you can shoot when you get layed down by the panic your useless!! Now hopefully you train with your church members and they all know there mustered /evacuation rout for what puw there sitting in, same as a fire drill?? Or yall do do that either?? Just mass cacous running to the closest door or over people cause that's the way everyone else is going!!! Been a ff to long and seen it happen to many times. Twice to clear that up only one was a church.

What I am and have been trying to say is you can have the best team in the world but if "your people" ( I feel the same) don't know what to do it's useless even if yall got 20 guys
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Old 08-12-2015, 04:43 PM
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WOW,,,131 comments and going strong....My opinion ,,which don't mean much,,,I go to church every Sat. afternoon...When they got to have armed person's to protect me it's time for me to stay home....Criminal's don't abide by the law,,,plain n simple....You can get shot anywhere you go,,,plain n simple....My cousin got shot in high school at 13....For no reason...They just got dumb @** people in this world....So you have to have security at church...Well then armed security at your kids school....I guess you don't go shop unless there's armed security....Or go eat out unless you greeted at the door with someone holstering a sidearm....Never saw an AK at a gas station so don't stop and buy gas....God knows you gunna get shot at burger king so don't stop there....No security...Yes you have to be concerned about what can happen but you can't let it take over your life or you will have no life...Stuff gunna happen and if a crazy wants to shoot up a church he gunna come in blaze'n and there probly aint much you gunna do unless you standing next to him and don't get shot first............
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Old 08-12-2015, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by lil bubba View Post
WOW,,,131 comments and going strong....My opinion ,,which don't mean much,,,I go to church every Sat. afternoon...When they got to have armed person's to protect me it's time for me to stay home....Criminal's don't abide by the law,,,plain n simple....You can get shot anywhere you go,,,plain n simple....My cousin got shot in high school at 13....For no reason...They just got dumb @** people in this world....So you have to have security at church...Well then armed security at your kids school....I guess you don't go shop unless there's armed security....Or go eat out unless you greeted at the door with someone holstering a sidearm....Never saw an AK at a gas station so don't stop and buy gas....God knows you gunna get shot at burger king so don't stop there....No security...Yes you have to be concerned about what can happen but you can't let it take over your life or you will have no life...Stuff gunna happen and if a crazy wants to shoot up a church he gunna come in blaze'n and there probly aint much you gunna do unless you standing next to him and don't get shot first............
Very well said !!!!!! Thank you!! Both points in one post. Summed it up.
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Old 08-12-2015, 05:08 PM
Dogface Dogface is offline
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Originally Posted by lil bubba View Post
WOW,,,131 comments and going strong....My opinion ,,which don't mean much,,,I go to church every Sat. afternoon...When they got to have armed person's to protect me it's time for me to stay home....Criminal's don't abide by the law,,,plain n simple....You can get shot anywhere you go,,,plain n simple....My cousin got shot in high school at 13....For no reason...They just got dumb @** people in this world....So you have to have security at church...Well then armed security at your kids school....I guess you don't go shop unless there's armed security....Or go eat out unless you greeted at the door with someone holstering a sidearm....Never saw an AK at a gas station so don't stop and buy gas....God knows you gunna get shot at burger king so don't stop there....No security...Yes you have to be concerned about what can happen but you can't let it take over your life or you will have no life...Stuff gunna happen and if a crazy wants to shoot up a church he gunna come in blaze'n and there probly aint much you gunna do unless you standing next to him and don't get shot first............
Afraid you missed the point. In all of the places you named except the church you can conceal carry and/ or open carry and protect yourself and your family. You cannot CC or OC in church unless you attend a 8 hour class every year and get approval from the senior pastor. Its the law, not a church rule. That's why the security team and/or off duty officers are placed around the campus, its for the protection of the men, women and especially the children that are attending church services.
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Old 08-12-2015, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Dogface View Post
Afraid you missed the point. In all of the places you named except the church you can conceal carry and/ or open carry and protect yourself and your family. You cannot CC or OC in church unless you attend a 8 hour class every year and get approval from the senior pastor. Its the law, not a church rule. That's why the security team and/or off duty officers are placed around the campus, its for the protection of the men, women and especially the children that are attending church services.
No I missed no point....My point is if I got to be so scared to go somewhere I got to carry a gun I don't want my wife and kids there anyway... I had people tell me I'm crazy for going fishing by myself and the way I see it it's get busy living or get busy dieing....I see nothing wrong with people protecting themself...Waltz into my home uninvited and see what greets you....If I feel I have to carry a gun into a place I patronize I'll go elsewhere....Just me....Really ,,,,why would you go to a public place and feel as if you need a gun to defend yourself ??????
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Old 08-12-2015, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by lil bubba View Post
No I missed no point....My point is if I got to be so scared to go somewhere I got to carry a gun I don't want my wife and kids there anyway... I had people tell me I'm crazy for going fishing by myself and the way I see it it's get busy living or get busy dieing....I see nothing wrong with people protecting themself...Waltz into my home uninvited and see what greets you....If I feel I have to carry a gun into a place I patronize I'll go elsewhere....Just me....Really ,,,,why would you go to a public place and feel as if you need a gun to defend yourself ??????
The way the world is today I feel as if I need to be prepared to protect me and my family everywhere we go. I'm too old to fight and I never was much for running.
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Old 08-12-2015, 05:33 PM
Andy C Andy C is offline
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Originally Posted by Dogface View Post
Afraid you missed the point. In all of the places you named except the church you can conceal carry and/ or open carry and protect yourself and your family. You cannot CC or OC in church unless you attend a 8 hour class every year and get approval from the senior pastor. Its the law, not a church rule. That's why the security team and/or off duty officers are placed around the campus, its for the protection of the men, women and especially the children that are attending church services.
so that makes you responsible or your issuance ? To protect my family??
How many fire drills do yall do?? Every family, church school should do one , 3 times a year!!! Fire/panic kills way more people then guns!!!
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