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Old 04-06-2018, 04:34 PM
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Default CCA lets us down again

CCA refuses to back or support HB391
Which would allow all anglers to fish any tidal and navigable waters .

CCA is funded and paid off by land owners and oil companies to be keep in check over this !

CCA again will take money over anglers !!!

B.A.S.S. Is 100% behind this bill and supports it along with HTRedfish Series etc.
Sad when our own CCA of Louisiana turns its back to the fisherman of Louisiana yet 1 more time !!

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Old 04-06-2018, 05:19 PM
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Old 04-06-2018, 05:31 PM
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Originally Posted by redaddiction View Post
Yep it's a cop out ....They don't want to make landowners mad and don't want to make public mad so lets just study it to death....Its open and shut . Either allow access or deny it . And the part about grandfathering in those who already have canals blocked is the stupidest $&!* I ever saw.... La. politics at its best....It really makes no difference in southeast La. In a few more years it will be all open water anyway...
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Old 04-06-2018, 06:33 PM
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CCA just wants to give time to there big $$$ guys
So they can keep putting up gates and levees

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Old 04-06-2018, 08:50 PM
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What makes it even worse is that the Louisiana Sportsman Coalition (have been in the front lines battling this from the beginning) contacted the CCA and asked them to back this two years ago and CCA said they were staying neutral. So now that it is an actual Bill to open all tidal waters they step up and say we need a ?special task force? to look at this. Just trying to get it pushed back and removed so this problem won?t get resolved.

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Old 04-06-2018, 09:41 PM
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I understand if someone wanted to build a duck blind and make it permanent, but what will hurt if you chase a fish that can move day to day? It seems a little too much. Make it legit only if they put a fence
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Old 04-06-2018, 10:07 PM
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many of the Louisiana Landowner Association members are affiliated with CCA. Easy to see what side CCA would take.

yet another reason why CCA will never get a dime from me
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Old 04-06-2018, 10:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Broke Down View Post
I understand if someone wanted to build a duck blind and make it permanent, but what will hurt if you chase a fish that can move day to day? It seems a little too much. Make it legit only if they put a fence
Fishing those waters don?t hurt the land owners one bit. I can understand liability issues being a concern. But just put that in the law that you can?t sue if hurt in the boundaries of non state owned waters.
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Old 04-07-2018, 07:28 AM
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
CCA refuses to back or support HB391
Which would allow all anglers to fish any tidal and navigable waters .

CCA is funded and paid off by land owners and oil companies to be keep in check over this !

CCA again will take money over anglers !!!

B.A.S.S. Is 100% behind this bill and supports it along with HTRedfish Series etc.
Sad when our own CCA of Louisiana turns its back to the fisherman of Louisiana yet 1 more time !!

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We all need to rally behind this bill. There are a lot of tidal waters that are posted and I will be able to duck hunt there now.
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Old 04-07-2018, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by redaddiction View Post
Fishing those waters don?t hurt the land owners one bit. I can understand liability issues being a concern. But just put that in the law that you can?t sue if hurt in the boundaries of non state owned waters.
This is a real hot potato and I can see both sides of the issue. For instance, we had a lease near Wax Lake for 30 years and when the duck hunting cratered, we began deer hunting in the woods bordering a "bayou/ditch" that was on our lease. Sometimes, we would be sitting in our stands and see bass fisherman as they trolled by. We always feared that a deer would come out between our stand and the bayou and someone would shoot and possibly hit a fisherman. We often talked to them to warn them, but it had no effect. And although we were leasing the land, they felt that the water was navigable, which it was, and therefore okay to fish. Sure seems like some compromise could be negotiated, i.e. no fishing during hunting season or at least delay any fishing until 10 a.m. or something. Just saying.
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Old 04-07-2018, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by cajun bill View Post
This is a real hot potato and I can see both sides of the issue. For instance, we had a lease near Wax Lake for 30 years and when the duck hunting cratered, we began deer hunting in the woods bordering a "bayou/ditch" that was on our lease. Sometimes, we would be sitting in our stands and see bass fisherman as they trolled by. We always feared that a deer would come out between our stand and the bayou and someone would shoot and possibly hit a fisherman. We often talked to them to warn them, but it had no effect. And although we were leasing the land, they felt that the water was navigable, which it was, and therefore okay to fish. Sure seems like some compromise could be negotiated, i.e. no fishing during hunting seasonno fishing during hunting season or at least delay any fishing until 10 a.m. or something. Just saying.
Wait if I can fish in there, why can't I duck hunt?
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Old 04-07-2018, 06:38 PM
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the CCA task force is a delay tactic... as everyone states they were asked to get involved in the beginning and the decided to stay neutral. creating a task force will create delays, so that begs the question, whos side are they on? doesnt seem to be the fishermen.

As for the hot potato lease, you lease hunting rights, do you lease the fishing rights as well?. The "what would happen" scenario mentioned above, hunters safety courses teach you should not shoot high powered rounds over water.

I often think about this when fishing in the marsh and see deer stands.
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Old 04-07-2018, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by DaPointIsDaBomb View Post
Wait if I can fish in there, why can't I duck hunt?
Exactly, and therein is the conundrum.
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Old 04-07-2018, 08:21 PM
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Originally Posted by wishin i was fishin View Post
the CCA task force is a delay tactic... as everyone states they were asked to get involved in the beginning and the decided to stay neutral. creating a task force will create delays, so that begs the question, whos side are they on? doesnt seem to be the fishermen.

As for the hot potato lease, you lease hunting rights, do you lease the fishing rights as well?. The "what would happen" scenario mentioned above, hunters safety courses teach you should not shoot high powered rounds over water.

I often think about this when fishing in the marsh and see deer stands.
And you should think about it.
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Old 04-07-2018, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by cajun bill View Post
And you should think about it.
The area I am talking about is Shark Bayou, Vermilion Bay. This area is, on the "map" a "disputed area" meaning the state and property owners claim rights to.

This is a notorious "public" area. So to all of you that think this is going on around the state but doesn't affect me, well...think again. We need you involved!

I have looked at maps and going back to when Louisiana became a state...I don't remember the year. Shark bayou was mapped out, just not named. According to the law, that means it is public waters.

If you are familiar with V bay, you know the area I am talking about. I have fished there for many years and refrained from going way back until late morning during deer season out of respect. I have seen some nice deer there while fishing, and I have talked to many hunters going in and coming out. Never had a problem, no one has ever said "you cant be here."

This seems to go to extremes in other parts of the state. I have read reports of people threatening fishermen with guns in open bays, etc. Or sheriffs deputies writing trespassing tickets for being on private lands.

I mentioned the Public Trust Doctrine in Louisiana, which clearly sides with fishermen and have been dismissed. The law written specifically for flood waters in river basins, and has been applied to tidal waters and, because of the wealthy, gained favor in the eyes of the judicial system would you expect anything less for Louisiana? $h!t, every coastal state recognizes tidal waters as public waters except for the "Sportsmans Paraidise". This law was never intended for tidal waters, but, yet here we are!

Jezz...rant over...I return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

here is the link to the land trust Doctrine.
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Old 04-08-2018, 01:03 PM
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Claiming tidal waters as private is same as claiming air space above my house

You can?t own water unless it?s pond or levee off surrounded by land

Tidal water is as free as air is

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Old 04-08-2018, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by DaPointIsDaBomb View Post
Wait if I can fish in there, why can't I duck hunt?

Be hard to hunt in a floating boat
You can?t attached it to land
Which means no anchor , your decoys can?t touch bottom etc

So if you can duck hunt without being stopped have at it

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Old 04-08-2018, 04:18 PM
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Committee members in case you would like to call them:

Raymond Garofalo (Chair)....504 277 4729
Randal Gaines (Vice Chair)....985 652 1228
Taylor Barras....337 373 4051
Robby Carter....985 748 2245
Raymond Crews....318 716 7532
Gregory Cromer....985 645 3592
Julie Emerson....337 886 4687
Sam Jenkins....318 632 5970
Walt Leger III....504 556 9970
Tanner Magee....985 858 2970
Gregory Miller....985 764 9991
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Old 04-09-2018, 11:07 AM
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Just maybe in the wording in the "Bill" "Does NOT" Or isn't fair to all fishermen. IE.. If your Gates are Up you are grandfathered in, and U don't have to take them down... May BE the "Bill" NEEDS some revisions..

Well if its a "good bill for All" then all the Representatives and Senators will vote it to pass??? End of STORY...
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Old 04-09-2018, 11:31 AM
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The bill has good intentions but is absolute junk. You still arent going to be able to fish or hunt these tidal waters. The only word mentioned is "access". Its not well thought out and addresses hardly anything. Needs reworking big time

I wish it allowed us to fish and hunt all tidal waters, but it doesnt. CCA did good not siding with this bill.

Sorry but that is the truth.
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