Hunted with 4 guys this morning and we got our 10 specks plus 2 bonus snows. The morning started slow due to the lack of wind. Had several groups break from way up there and give us about 4 hard looks and keep on going. With no wind to drop in, they just wouldn't get quite low enough. My dad is with my brother in Texas deer hunting and he texted me that the wind was howling over there, go figure. Once the wind picked up later in the morning, it started getting good. The highlight of the morning was when I broke a group of about 12 specks, which snowballed to about 80 specks and about 100 snows all over us! It was one of those sights that stands a few hairs up. We had about 20 light behind us about 15 yards from the blind just on the inside edge of the decoys. It was perfect. I picked up the last bird at 9 am on the dot. It was a really good hunt and the guys had an awesome time.