Went with My Boy Strohe today for a short afternoon trip in his 22 Mako (sweet ride). We struggled at first and made a few moves but found some trout ready to be tricked! Started a drift in the cove and whamo fish on. Made a couple more drifts and would anchor if we caught. Ended up with 23 trout. Nice day to be out and the water was pretty in the cove. Wind was blowing about 12 ish so not to bad. Fish were caught on Chicken on a chain, electric chicken, glow/chartruse Cocahoes eighth ounce jig head bouncing off bottom. Tried a cork but no luck. Tried Vittok's drop shot no luck (have to teach me) went to what I know and thats bouncing off bottom and had good success on incoming tide. Tide seemed to stop and bite died. Not to many boats and plenty room to move around but there is always one jerk in the bunch. Guy in small aluminum boat kept trolling up wind with the waves beating his boat. He came in to us several times while we were anchored. I think I will start bringing my megaphone and become a fishing marshall! Work it like the golf course marshall. This could be some funny stuff but it could also help people that dont have a clue. It would go something like this, "Hey u in the 28 foot grady with no trolling motor. It is not polite to come in on step in between these 200 boats then have your deck hand toss the anchor like he is roping a calf!!"

Maybe install some pvc with flags on the top to mark a trolling lane (Like a Bike lane) for the guys that like to weave in and out of all the boats while pulling baits. This would give them a desginated area to troll. Make it a big lap around the entire cove.