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tmatte 04-14-2015 11:25 AM

Lacassine Bass Population
For the guys who fish the Lacassine pool regularly, what's your opinion on the overall bass population?
I haven't fished it much over the last several years, but it sure seems to me that it's nowhere near where it used to be, in either size or numbers.

BassYakR 04-14-2015 02:03 PM

From what i seen there were plenty of big fish in it this year... i see pics daily on fb of ppl catching and killing bass over 8lbs.... next year will probably suck tho

tmatte 04-14-2015 02:20 PM

I think that the store in Hayes has considerably fewer big fish pictures on the wall than they used to.

As far as people keeping big fish, the coonass mentality will never go away. A few years of a good slot limit would do wonders for that place, but you'll never stop all those guys from keeping everything they catch.

BassYakR 04-14-2015 02:37 PM

Well this year is badd... bc ppl have it in their head that its better to keep all the big fish and move them to the burns bc they think they are goin to drain it next year and kill all the fish to burn it. They are goin to drain the North end next year but they will drain it slowly and all the fish will move to the south and the fish wont be harmed.

Top Dawg 04-14-2015 02:50 PM

I keep everyone one I catch whether it's 6" or 8#. Man gotta eat

BassYakR 04-14-2015 02:57 PM

that sucks

funkyflemmons 04-14-2015 04:52 PM

I fish the place 2-3 times a week and I can tell you that it is doing fine, I don't have a big fish mindset , but ive been prolly 12 times bass fishing there this year and ive averaged around 7-9 a trip, had a few rough days, also had some 12-16 fish trips, many, MANY, people say "ohh, laccassine sucked last year, people need to stop keeping all the fish", well I did just fine, in fact, every time I fished last year I went home thrilled

funkyflemmons 04-14-2015 04:55 PM

BassYakR , you cant say that its gonna suck next year because of the people taking fish this year, they do it a lot every year, this year some just have another excuse, I tell my self that if I catch a big fish ill throw it back, although I dont judge against people who do, ive fished there for a bit, used to go behind bridge and smoke them off bank, this is my second year fishing it a lot in a boat and from my first time till the last time I went I usually leave happy

funkyflemmons 04-14-2015 04:57 PM

as far as the population goes it is blooming with bass, but I am 100% for a slot limit, being somebody that will keep a 10 inch bass out there, think 12-18 inch fish 8-10 a piece, and only one of your limit can be ovefr 18

BassYakR 04-14-2015 05:27 PM

Im just goin off of what i see.... ppl are taking more out this year that usual... Ppl i know that usually dont take em out are taking them out for the wrong reasons.... Last friday i caught about 12-15 bass all 12" and under... then Saturday you know what i caught... about 15-20 Fish all but 3 were 12" and under.... The Number of fish IMO is fine.... But the Number of BIG fish will continue to drop! BIG FISH BREED BIG FISH

meat killer 86 04-14-2015 06:18 PM

Not what it used to be. Going and catching 15-20 fish in a day is not great. Keeping 10 fish from a morning or afternoon trip is not great in my opinion. I remember going and catching 50-60 fish by noon when I was younger. I went twice this yr. Caught 18 one trip and 1 another trip. I'll give it another try soon I'm sure. Just not happy with it. Yes there is lots of big fish in it. But could be better in my opinion.

Now the burns marsh is poppin. Me and a buddy went one day and caught like 70 by noon. That was fun. Nothing over 2.5lbs. Lots of 3/4lb fish. But fun fun fun.

funkyflemmons 04-14-2015 07:47 PM

Meat Killer I totally understand where your coming from, to my understanding (correct me if im wrong, im 17) there used to only half the amount of people that fished laccassine compared to today, I think the pressure in general has just got it, I cant say anything, I go there a lot , but not knowing how it was back when people could possibly catch 50 a day, 9-10 fish days are fun for me, no matter where I go, I keep most of what I catch from there, I do, but a slot limit would do that place wonders and I would be the first one to follow the rules

funkyflemmons 04-14-2015 07:50 PM

BassYakR I agree completely but as long as ive fished there (once again im young) and people that have fished there for a long time have told me its always been similar , a crap load of fish 10 inches to 2 pounds, you always got that chance of a 3-5 ( a bunch of them if you catch the right spot) and in spring you can put your glasses on and look for a big one, I know in summer time those 20+ fish days can happen often, especially if you stay long enough

BassYakR 04-14-2015 07:55 PM

Man not 10 years ago i used to go fish off the bank and catch 15-20 every trip... one difference i notice now tho is back then i could fish 5hrs from the bank and see maybe 3 or 4 other ppl come and go... this passed saturday there had to be 25 or more ppl bank fishing.

meat killer 86 04-14-2015 08:57 PM

Flemmons there was a slot there if I remember correctly for like a yr then they did away with it. Anybody else remember this?

And yes there is a lot more pressure than there used to be. But still plenty big fish. Caught 2 almost 7lbs this yr. Several in the 4 and 5lb range. I keep fish from 11-14in. That's about it. Even on river. That's kinda my rule of thumb. Anything Bigger or smaller gets thrown back. But lacassine is a fun place to fish. I prefer it in spring.

funkyflemmons 04-14-2015 09:00 PM

BassYakR 2 years ago we were going behind the bridge back there on the south side and caught our 20 fish between two of us a few times, and 10-15 other times, theyre catchable close to docks, but now theres so many people that fish off the road, its insane

funkyflemmons 04-14-2015 09:01 PM

MeatKiller I haven't caught many big fish out the marsh, or many big fish in general, I don't sight fish in spring, I caught a 6 last year and a buncha 4's since then, and at one time there was a 14 inch min length , didn't last long though

meat killer 86 04-14-2015 09:09 PM

Yea I remember the minimum length. Wish they would have kept it. But anyways. Stay at em man. Good luck out there.

Top Dawg 04-14-2015 09:33 PM

I remember back in the day when it was low. Several years ago. Boats were t allowed. We would ride our bikes down the canals and leave with 160 qt full of 5# bass. That was the good ole days. Still plenty fish in there. Just gotta know how to catch em.

MathGeek 04-14-2015 09:56 PM

LDWF has a lot of good science on Lacassine in the attached document. Anglers are always looking for something to blame when they can't catch the fish. Sometimes there is a management problem. More often, anglers think the fish are gone because the techniques they used in the past are not catching as many fish now.

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