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lil bubba 06-24-2015 05:08 PM

Bobby jindal president ?????
What ya'll think.......................

tojoe 06-24-2015 05:10 PM

Uhhhhhh...............HELL NO!!!!!

Clampy 06-24-2015 05:12 PM

Hope he runs. It will be hilarious.
Just like the rest of these clowns.

Cappy 06-24-2015 05:12 PM

Bobby is a good Catholic Christian man but he aint ready. he needs to try for vice president or maybe senate for a few years. When the time comes I would vote for him just not this round its too early.

Duck Butter 06-24-2015 05:16 PM

His chances of being POTUS were eliminated the day he gave the Republican's point of view after Obama's State of the Union Address a few years back.

If you want a good laugh go to Facebook and look up Bobby Jinderp:rotfl:

Duck Butter 06-24-2015 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Cappy (Post 760683)
Bobby is a good Catholic Christian man but he aint ready. he needs to stay in Louisiana and fix what he said he would fix and not out politicking all the time

I agree

lil bubba 06-24-2015 05:18 PM

He is running ,,,,,just had press release......I would vote for him before hillairous clintass....

Matt G 06-24-2015 05:22 PM

The guy is a megalomaniac who, to quote Rack'em Willie, "couldn't manage a bowl of f'n jello." He took a huge dump on this state to position himself for a run for POTUS. I'd almost rather Obama get a 3rd term at office than Jindal winning president...... Almost.

Clampy 06-24-2015 05:40 PM

His chances were ruined the day he preformed a exorcism in college

"W" 06-24-2015 06:06 PM

I would vote for him

eman 06-24-2015 06:17 PM

He is trying to position himself to get enough percentage to be able to look good as a running mate for VP. He knows he has no chance to be president. But if he can get to 9-11% in the polls he can pass those votes to someone who has a chance. I'm thinking Rick Perry

duckman1911 06-24-2015 06:37 PM

I don't have anyone of them that I can say I really like. Bobby has good points and bad ones but they all do. I like a lot of Rand and Ted. I just don't have a single one I can say yes with yet. No matter what not much will change unfortunately. Ronald Reagan anyone?

Ducktrickster 06-24-2015 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by "W" (Post 760690)
I would vote for him

Based on what?

keakar 06-24-2015 07:48 PM

the only ones im sure that I am not going to be voting for are Hillary "what difference does it make" Clinton and Chris "I love Obama" Christie.

im just sick of the republicans giving us liberal progressive candidates who's only claim to be work voting for is they are better then the liberal progressive democrat alternatives.

ThePinkBanana 06-24-2015 08:47 PM

An evangelical catholic who will do everything in his power to reverse Obama care and all this BS spending by your current president... How could you not be in favor of him? I'm sorry but You guys are idiots... Who would you like Hillary??

irokcj5 06-24-2015 08:50 PM

Doesn't matter who runs. After the Republican House and Senate this week ceded their Treaty powers to the POTUS, they've made Obama the most powerful president in the history of the USA, and gave him full authority to make trade agreements, and put the trade union law above US law. His stated purpose to "remake" America is fully in his grasp now. I've held my nose when I voted for Dole, McCain, and Romney because my party said we had to have a moderate to win. Ok, I'm done. I can promise I will not vote for and establishment Repub such as Christie, Bush, Jindal. I don't know who or if I will support any one of them. I can say one thing, if I am given another establishment republican, I WILL write in a candidate. Yes, Hillary will probably win if we all bail on the established chosen one, but I think we need drastic change or a new party. I'm done with it. Besides something seems strange to me in elections. I've always believed in our system, but I'm being more and more convinced that the fix is in. I really do not think we'll ever see a conservative POTUS again. Makes me sick to see what is happening to our country. I got pi$4d off at the news of house and senate this morning so I turned to my favorite Bluegrass channel..... then I got pissed off at my company today, so i came here to read about look, I'M PI$$D OFF AGAIN !!

mcjaredsandwich 06-24-2015 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by eman (Post 760691)
he is trying to position himself to get enough percentage to be able to look good as a running mate for vp. He knows he has no chance to be president. But if he can get to 9-11% in the polls he can pass those votes to someone who has a chance. I'm thinking rick perry

oh god no.

latravcha 06-24-2015 09:08 PM

I hate to say it but I have lost all faith in our government and most of society. If it were not for my kids I would sell most of what I own and head to Costa Rica.

mcjaredsandwich 06-24-2015 09:09 PM

Rand Paul who is libertarian leaning would have my vote. If not, it's whoever is running libertarian.

I really do find it hilarious that many of you think things will change with a republican in office. Nothing will change.

mriguy 06-24-2015 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by latravcha (Post 760702)
I hate to say it but I have lost all faith in our government and most of society. If it were not for my kids I would sell most of what I own and head to Costa Rica.

Yep open a Tiki bar on the beach and overcharge tourists

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