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Old 07-14-2014, 07:55 PM
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Originally Posted by irokcj5 View Post
Really, that's what you get out of this? You put the moral of this story on the pyscho chick?!!

I'd say she has a right to go pyscho on him, he deserves the 38 for doing that to his wife and child. A big problem in our society today is lack of loyalty and faithfulness to ones family, and kids being raised in single parent homes caused by unfaithfulness. He didn't cheat on just his wife he cheated on his son too. Sorry excuse for a man.
If I may add. You are one dumdsheet when it comes to the legal use of lethal force in the state of Louisiana. You gona love Angola. Hold on to your soap tight
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Old 07-14-2014, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by simplepeddler View Post's amazing how we are taught to jump to conclusions.......

What is she cheated first?
A real man would divorce her and keep it in his pants until the divorce is final.

Originally Posted by simplepeddler View Post
What if the man has not been laid in years?
See above.

Originally Posted by simplepeddler View Post
What if they are not even married?
What if, what if, what if.............
The paint job indicates they were married. The lie would be obvious to all if the decorator was not his wife.

Sexual infidelity is the only thing that touches most women deeply enough to evoke the response on the truck. It's possible that the paint job is dishonest, but all my life experience tells me the owner of the truck cheated on his wife.

Originally Posted by simplepeddler View Post
I spent years faithful to one woman, four years of dating pryor to that......three years doing the good boy catholic thing "waiting".......she left.......wanted something "better" accused me of being the bad guy, found a boyfriend,
Sorry you got cheated on. Sorry you were lied to. All that sucks.

Originally Posted by simplepeddler View Post
All she has to do is imply something and I am/was a no good cheating SOB. And it's the "new" friends that beleive her

A picture is a thousand words..........
I think I'd move on and make a life where the woman's lies would not have any practical impact on my life. I've had people tell very serious lies about me before. Character becomes clear over time. Liar's lies eventually come to light, and people realize that I was scrupulously honest the whole time, and certain parties were lying and manipulating situations to their advantage. This is human nature.

Those who chose to believe liars (when they have reason not to) rather than a man of character and honesty should lose the benefits of the man's friendship and company.
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Old 07-14-2014, 08:45 PM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
A real man would divorce her and keep it in his pants until the divorce is final.

See above.

The paint job indicates they were married. The lie would be obvious to all if the decorator was not his wife.

Sexual infidelity is the only thing that touches most women deeply enough to evoke the response on the truck. It's possible that the paint job is dishonest, but all my life experience tells me the owner of the truck cheated on his wife.

Sorry you got cheated on. Sorry you were lied to. All that sucks.

I think I'd move on and make a life where the woman's lies would not have any practical impact on my life. I've had people tell very serious lies about me before. Character becomes clear over time. Liar's lies eventually come to light, and people realize that I was scrupulously honest the whole time, and certain parties were lying and manipulating situations to their advantage. This is human nature.

Those who chose to believe liars (when they have reason not to) rather than a man of character and honesty should lose the benefits of the man's friendship and company.
Calling BS on this one bro. So you're saying a person male or female that F's up is not real? People are human and do stupid stuff. Been there and done it. Does the screw up mean that a family can't pull together to fix the problem? I believe this is were the old saying " walk a mile in his shoes" comes into play. People mess up everyday an anyone that claims they don't is living in a delusional world.
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Old 07-14-2014, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by irokcj5 View Post
Really, that's what you get out of this? You put the moral of this story on the pyscho chick?!!

I'd say she has a right to go pyscho on him, he deserves the 38 for doing that to his wife and child. A big problem in our society today is lack of loyalty and faithfulness to ones family, and kids being raised in single parent homes caused by unfaithfulness. He didn't cheat on just his wife he cheated on his son too. Sorry excuse for a man.
Is this your truck ?

10 pages or bust
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Old 07-14-2014, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by duckman1911 View Post
Calling BS on this one bro. So you're saying a person male or female that F's up is not real? People are human and do stupid stuff. Been there and done it. Does the screw up mean that a family can't pull together to fix the problem? I believe this is were the old saying " walk a mile in his shoes" comes into play. People mess up everyday an anyone that claims they don't is living in a delusional world.
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the offended spouse offering forgiveness or the offending spouse asking for forgiveness and reconciliation.

My recommendation above for divorce was in specific reply to "what if the wife cheats first" as some sort of justification for going out and committing adultery. If a spouse has caused an irreconcilable offense and you want to have sex with other people, you should divorce your spouse first.

By all means, a family should "pull together and fix the problem" if at all possible. However, the offending spouse is at the mercy of the spouse that had adultery committed against him/her, so that if the offended spouse chooses, divorce is a viable option.

Who wouldn't have more respect for Hillary Clinton if she had divorced Bill? That was not a family "pulling together to fix the problem" it was a power hungry witch trying to help a philandering husband hide his ongoing evil.

A spouse is not going to find the happy marriage they hope for if they accept ongoing, persistent, unrepentant adultery. I'm glad for marriages that can survive a brief bout with sexual infidelity. Situations like the Clintons make me angry because of the horrible example they set for young women and men. Men are taught they can get away with it, and women are taught they should let it slide.
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Old 07-14-2014, 09:13 PM
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Math......I always respect the hell out of you.....but you are connecting dots that are too far apart........and making my point the entire divorce is the same.......only the reactions of those that do not know that they do not know......

Society wants a TV version........regardless of what angle they are coming from, religion or pagan.........

relationships are way over before the paperwork (divorce) says it is.........

My real purpose of the post was to not judge either side.........

I have donated my time now for 14 plus years helping guys protect themselves through the divorce process.

I see this repeated over and over again........maybe I am a little tender to it..........women drive men to do stupid **** all the time knowing damn well they will get everything ..........real men, make real mistakes.........real men
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Old 07-14-2014, 09:25 PM
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kids are being raised in fatherless home because there is an industry making billions over it.
Entire systems set up in some states just to PAY child support......
Go to ANY judge's re-election fund will see the lawyers who "war" everyday sharing drinks with the court appointed evaluators and coust appointed's a sham in the worst way
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Old 07-14-2014, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the offended spouse offering forgiveness or the offending spouse asking for forgiveness and reconciliation.

My recommendation above for divorce was in specific reply to "what if the wife cheats first" as some sort of justification for going out and committing adultery. If a spouse has caused an irreconcilable offense and you want to have sex with other people, you should divorce your spouse first.

By all means, a family should "pull together and fix the problem" if at all possible. However, the offending spouse is at the mercy of the spouse that had adultery committed against him/her, so that if the offended spouse chooses, divorce is a viable option.

Who wouldn't have more respect for Hillary Clinton if she had divorced Bill? That was not a family "pulling together to fix the problem" it was a power hungry witch trying to help a philandering husband hide his ongoing evil.

A spouse is not going to find the happy marriage they hope for if they accept ongoing, persistent, unrepentant adultery. I'm glad for marriages that can survive a brief bout with sexual infidelity. Situations like the Clintons make me angry because of the horrible example they set for young women and men. Men are taught they can get away with it, and women are taught they should let it slide.
Again im calling BS. You mixing politicians and adultery is the same as mixing cocaine and prostitutes. They just go hand in hand.
No one should ever accept ongoing adultery no matter if it is the man or the woman.
I will strongly disagree with your view that men are taught that its ok and that women are taught that they should just deal with it.
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Old 07-14-2014, 10:13 PM
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Originally Posted by duckman1911 View Post
Again im calling BS. You mixing politicians and adultery is the same as mixing cocaine and prostitutes. They just go hand in hand.
No one should ever accept ongoing adultery no matter if it is the man or the woman.
I will strongly disagree with your view that men are taught that its ok and that women are taught that they should just deal with it.
Believe me, there are plenty of personal examples of this ugliness in my family too. I picked a public example, because it is well known. Men should not be taught that it is ok, but what did the failure to remove Bill from office and Hillary's failure to divorce him teach men? Bill got away with it. Lots of men get away with it. Men should not get away with adultery. 18 years of child support, a lifetime of alimony, and losing all his assets sound about right. A man should lose his job and career too if the adultery occurs at work or with a subordinate.

Women are seldom taught explicitly that they should deal with it, but what was the effect of Hillary's example and the example of other women who for one reason or the other tolerate their husband's ongoing adultery?

I think the woman who redecorated the truck set a fine example that adultery is not ok. Yeah, some property got damaged, but the harm caused by the cheating husband who has broken up one family and started another with some tramp is much greater.

I understand that there are some unfair things in the legal word of divorce and family court and all of that. I've never heard of a case so bad that I cannot honestly say that if the husband was cheating, he did not actually get less than his marital unfaithfulness deserved.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Adultery is a stupid game. Adulterers deserve all the stupid prizes divorce court offers.
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Old 07-14-2014, 10:36 PM
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it's that exact attitude that allows the system to continue......your definition of judgement would have a man loosing everything because he had an indiscretion that his wife cannot forgive him for......

so drug head wife, crack whore, husband cheats, bammo......she gets the golden ticket in your happens everyday.........every damn day
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Old 07-14-2014, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by simplepeddler View Post
so drug head wife, crack whore, husband cheats, bammo......she gets the golden ticket in your happens everyday.........every damn day
It's been this way since the 1980s. It was public knowledge that this is how a marriage may well end when you walked took the vows and said, "I do."

Every man married since the 1980s has known that if they cheat, they put themselves at their wife's mercy and she could end it this way.

They decided to cheat anyway. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The prizes have been public knowledge for a looooooong time.
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Old 07-14-2014, 11:11 PM
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does that make it right?

again.......most, if indeed not all, of the issues teenagers face today are tied to and in harmony with no father in the home..........

Take out the emotion and the law ......should a kid not have equal access to his father?

I think it's Holland where they enacted laws that basically states that there is presumed 50/50 and no spousal assistance for life.......guess what......divorce rates went down drastically.

Who care what the Clintons do, if it works for the Clintons. What was needed was a total media shutdown on this hyped up crap and stop satifying a vouryristic society that just can't turn from another's carnage.

I do admire your conviction.......I too had that same conviction 16 years ago.......then all hell broke loose at 33..........just when you think you have it all figured don't.

the devil does not get us by drama or adultery or murder or theaft.......he gets us by acceptance.......tolerance.......and self rightousness.........

God hates is written for sure.......however......Proverbs has many iterations on a man not living in the same "house" as a mean hateful woman.......

It's NOT always the man's fault......adultery is a's what and how men create the illusion that they are gaining control over something.......

Women do it by running up your credit cards to 96K.......ask me how I know........

Stigmas are and may be different......but sin is sin............we can't shake a stigma......but we can shake the sin.......
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Old 07-15-2014, 07:11 AM
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Originally Posted by simplepeddler View Post
kids are being raised in fatherless home because there is an industry making billions over it.
Entire systems set up in some states just to PAY child support......
Go to ANY judge's re-election fund will see the lawyers who "war" everyday sharing drinks with the court appointed evaluators and coust appointed's a sham in the worst way
Most useful post in this thread. It's all about the Benji' usual
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Old 07-15-2014, 07:13 AM
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Originally Posted by simplepeddler View Post
it's that exact attitude that allows the system to continue......your definition of judgement would have a man loosing everything because he had an indiscretion that his wife cannot forgive him for......

so drug head wife, crack whore, husband cheats, bammo......she gets the golden ticket in your happens everyday.........every damn day
need a like button
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Old 07-15-2014, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
If a spouse has caused an irreconcilable offense and you want to have sex with other people, you should divorce your spouse first.
A spouse is not going to find the happy marriage they hope for if they accept ongoing, persistent, unrepentant adultery.
Wait a minute! What kind of foolishness are you speaking here? Almost sounds like something we used to hear about years ago-but totally disregarded today. I think it was called...morals and values? People don't even understand the meaning of that anymore. Not to mention, no respect for the marriage itself. We're living in a "forgive and forget" society.
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Old 07-15-2014, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by swampman46 View Post
Wait a minute! What kind of foolishness are you speaking here? Almost sounds like something we used to hear about years ago-but totally disregarded today. I think it was called...morals and values? People don't even understand the meaning of that anymore. Not to mention, no respect for the marriage itself. We're living in a "forgive and forget" society.

we are talking two different things here............I am talking "post" stupid are talking "pre" stupid decision...........

"getting what he deserves" judgement.....................

from a morality standpoint........only One will judge on that...............

play stupid games win stupid prizes is great for horshoes and checkers......but when a "stupid" prize is loose you kids, then........yes that is stupid...........

Being a crappy husband does not automatically mean you are a crappy dad............

You can be a crappy mom all day long and still keep your's a flippin farse
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Old 07-15-2014, 11:06 AM
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Sorry but cheating on your wife, getting busted, and then pretending you are still Father of the Year is BS. You will always be the guy who cheated on mom. Over time he may forgive you if you work hard.

If you justify your cheating by saying mom was a crack whore or a btch or whatever then you have just taught your son that cheating is OK if his wife is not perfect in his opinion.

If the wife has a problem like that you get her help. If help doesnt fix it then thats between you and your religion if you want to get a divorce. But get the divorce before you start banging other broads.
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Old 07-15-2014, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by bmac View Post
Sorry but cheating on your wife, getting busted, and then pretending you are still Father of the Year is BS.
You are assuming that he is pretending to be "father of the year."

Originally Posted by bmac View Post
Over time he may forgive you if you work hard.
So you mean his son may eventually forgive dad for cheating on mom by being a good father after the alleged cheating; which from your point of view, voids dad from being a good father? You just disproved you own argument that a husband who cheats cannot be a good father.
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Old 07-15-2014, 11:38 AM
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You people on here will argue about anything. It's always the same people posting on every thread. Don't you people have lives? Bet you're all fat and divorced lol LOSERS
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Old 07-15-2014, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Brandon_Picou View Post
You people on here will argue about anything. It's always the same people posting on every thread. Don't you people have lives? Bet you're all fat and divorced lol LOSERS
You use a post to tell us we're losers for posting. You didn't really think that one through did you?
Why don't you go back to your table and continue coloring. The grown ups are trying to talk.
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